In particular the group develops tools to characterize biophysical properties odf cells and works on the aging-related evolution of properies of T cells and its relationship with immunosenescence:
- Technologies for evaluating the deformability of cells. The development requires (a) designing experimental procedures and devices, and (b) analytical and numerical models to relate the properties of the cell and its mechanical response.
Numerical model of a cell-aspiration experiment (Esteban-Manzanares et al. 2017).
- Single-cell biopysical characterization. We work on combining methods to characterize the deformability of cells and other biophysical properties. Our aim is to provide new tools for a comprehensive understanding of the complex relationships between biophysical features and biomolecular content and biological function of the cells. Machine-learning techniques are used to improve and enlarge the analysis of the experiments.
Positioning a T cell by on a cell container for single-cell experiments. (González-Bermúdez et al 2020).
- T-cell biophysics and aging. T cells are key components of the adaptive immune system. We are interested in applying our experimental techniques to study the evolution of biophysical properties of T cells during aging of individuals and the implications in immunosenescence. Bioinformatics tools are used to analyze the large files generated in our experiments.
Other works of the group include collaborations in the field of using mechanical forces for cancer-cell destruction and basic studies of cytoskeleton dynamics.
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