Cristina Díaz Alcaraz

Cristina Díaz Alcaraz
Reseaerch assistant (M.Sc.)

Research assistant at Universidad Politécnica de Madrid.

Research lines: cell mechanical charaterization and development of devices used in mechanobiology.


2022-present Master thesis in the Centre for Biomedical Technology (CTB-UPM), which consists of:

  • Production, characterization and validation of polyacrylamide microspheres for calibraring the mechanical characterization devices used in mechanobiology

2021-present Research assistant at UPM, working on:

  • Mechanical characterization of cells and data analysis
  • Micropipette aspiration
  • Microfluidics
  • Cell cultures and molecular staining protocols

2020 Bachelor thesis in the Centre for Biomedical Technology (CTB-UPM), which consists of:

  • Characterization of protein adsorption process on biomaterials


2021-present M.S. Mechanical Engineering (UPM)

2019 B.S. Materials Science Engineering (Tongji University of Shanghai, China)

2016-2021 B.S. Materials Science Engineering (UPM)