Postdoc Fellow
Junior postdoc researcher and lecturer at Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM).
Research lines: cell mechanobiology (experimental testing tools, T cell biophysics, cell deformability and contractility, amoeboid-movement biophysics).
Research Experience
2018-present Assistant lecturer and post-doc fellow (UPM)
- Research projects on cell and tissue biophysics (Google Scholar)
- Teaching duties in B.Sc. Materials Engineering & B.Sc. Biomedical Engineering (UPM Profile)
2022 Visiting Postdoc fellow for 3 months (LAAS-CNRS), working on:
- Fabrication of on-chip microfluidic method to aspirate cells.
- Characterization of microfabricated devices by SEM and confocal microscopy.
2018-2019 Visiting PhD Scholar for 5 months (UC San Diego), working on:
- Mechanical phenotyping of cells from donors with rheumatoid arthritis disease
- Analysis of cellular forces by the inverse fourier transform method developed by Prof. Del Alamo
2021 PhD in Engineering of Structures, Foundations and Materials
2017 M.Sc. Industrial Mathematics (UPM)
2015 B.Sc. Materials Science Engineering