REDENARQUI – Proyect presentation

In light of the initial coordination meeting for the work of the REDENARQUI network (Network on Energy Performance of Ibero-American Architecture), held in the city of Bogotá, our colleague Javier Neila travelled there as a participant. At the meeting, he presented the Lime4Health project.

This gathering of the coordinators from the participating groups is convened to organise the work to be undertaken in the year 2024. It features participation from various Ibero-American universities.

Class at ETSI Camino Canales y Puertos

Thanks to Paola Bianucci, a PDI colleague from ETSI Caminos Canales y Puertos. During the course on pollution in urban environments in which she participates. She was able to explain to her students the Lime4Health project in a session dedicated to air pollution.

This type of action promotes interest in university colleagues, students and professors, who can implement these issues in their future work and study environments.

It is very important for the project to promote awareness and dissemination of the topics of study. In addition to promoting participation among specialists from other disciplines with which there are points of coincidence, as is, in this case, air pollution in urban areas.