REDENARQUI – Proyect presentation

In light of the initial coordination meeting for the work of the REDENARQUI network (Network on Energy Performance of Ibero-American Architecture), held in the city of Bogotá, our colleague Javier Neila travelled there as a participant. At the meeting, he presented the Lime4Health project.

This gathering of the coordinators from the participating groups is convened to organise the work to be undertaken in the year 2024. It features participation from various Ibero-American universities.

Class at ETSI Camino Canales y Puertos

Thanks to Paola Bianucci, a PDI colleague from ETSI Caminos Canales y Puertos. During the course on pollution in urban environments in which she participates. She was able to explain to her students the Lime4Health project in a session dedicated to air pollution.

This type of action promotes interest in university colleagues, students and professors, who can implement these issues in their future work and study environments.

It is very important for the project to promote awareness and dissemination of the topics of study. In addition to promoting participation among specialists from other disciplines with which there are points of coincidence, as is, in this case, air pollution in urban areas.

Participation at Seminar “Schools as tools for decarbonization of cities” CONAMA2022

Con motivo del Congreso Nacional de Medio Ambiente 2022 que se ha celebrado del 21 al 24 de noviembre, la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, presentó el Seminario UPM, Las escuelas como herramientas para la carbonización de las ciudades.

Como parte de este seminario, nuestra investigadora principal, Mar Barbero, estuvo invitada como ponente donde pudo presentar nuestro proyecto Lime4Heatlh.

Podéis escuchar el seminario a continuación.

Ponencia de Mar Barbero en el minuto 52:00

Lime4Health will be at CONAMA2022

On the occasion of the National Environment Congress (CONAMA) 2022 from 21 to 24 November, the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid will organize the UPM Seminar: “Schools as tools for the de-carbonisation of cities”.

As part of this seminar, Lime4Health project has been invited to participate as guest speaker.

This conference is aimed at professionals and researchers from the sectors related to construction, environment and education, as well as people interested in the environmental issues we are dealing with.


16:00 a 19:00Sala Bratislava AE39
Organise: Comunidad UPM


Opening, welcome and general introduction
Theoretical session. Dialogue table.
Theoretical session. Intervention and learning.
Practical Session. Collaborative workshop.