Seminar 1-2023. OSMAN Guidelines presentation on healthy housing.

During the online conferences organised by OSMAN (Observatorio de Salud y Medio Ambiente de Andalucía), the “II Online presentation of the OSMAN healthy housing guidelines” was included.

Among the actions carried out by the OSMAN is the preparation of these thematic guides that update scientific knowledge in various areas of interest, and recommend actions for professionals and citizens, thus facilitating the change of practices and the transfer of knowledge.
On this occasion, the latest guides published on “Viviendas Saludables. Criterios y recomendaciones para mejorar las condiciones de habitabilidad de nuestros hogares”.

During the online session, members of our Lime4Health team (Ester Higueras, Javier Neila and Mar Barbero) presented, as authors of these guidelines, evidence and recommendations to improve the habitability conditions of our homes, as members of the ABIO (Arquitectura Bioblimática en un Entorno Sostenible) research group.

Taking advantage of the importance and direct relationship with the subject that concerns us from the Lime4Health project, during the intervention of our main researcher, Mar Barbero, on healthy materials and coatings, reference was made to this project, taking the results obtained in schools as support and evidence of the need to take these parameters into account when improving the habitability of our homes.

You can watch the full presentation below.