Publicaciones científicas
Combustión de hidrógeno
Stable circular and double-cell lean hydrogen-air premixed flames in quasi two-dimensional channels
Alba Domínguez-González, Daniel Martínez-Ruiz, and Mario Sánchez-Sanz. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute (2023)
Unexpected propagation of ultra-lean hydrogen flames in narrow gaps
Fernando Veiga-López, Mike Kuznetsov, Daniel Martínez-Ruiz, Eduardo Fernández-Tarrazo, Joachim Grune, Mario Sánchez-Sanz. Physical Review Letters, 124 (17), p.174501 (2020)
Thermoacoustic analysis of lean premixed hydrogen flames in narrow vertical channels
Fernando Veiga-López, Daniel Martínez-Ruiz, Mike Kuznetsov, and Mario Sánchez-Sanz. Fuel 278, p.118212 (2020)
The role of conductive heat losses on the formation of isolated flame cells in Hele-Shaw chambers
Daniel Martínez-Ruiz, Fernando Veiga-López, Daniel Fernández-Galisteo, Vadim N. Kurdyumov, and Mario Sánchez-Sanz. Combustion and Flame 209, p.187-199 (2019)
Combustión eficiente
Thermoacoustic coupling regions of premixed-flames in non-adiabatic tubes
E Flores-Montoya, V Muntean, D Pozo-Estivariz, D Martínez-Ruiz. Combustion and Flame 247, 112478 (2023)
Suppression of thermoacoustic instabilities by flame-structure interaction
Mariano Rubio-Rubio, Fernando Veiga-López, Daniel Martínez-Ruiz, Eduardo Fernández-Tarrazo, Mario Sánchez-Sanz. Proceedings of The Combustion Institute (2023)
Flame propagation in narrow horizontal channels: Impact of the gravity field on the flame shape
Anne Dejoan, Carmen Jiménez, Daniel Martínez-Ruiz, Victor Muntean, Mario Sánchez-Sanz, Vadim N Kurdyumov. Proceedings of The Combustion Institute (2023)
Non-adiabatic modulation of premixed-flame thermoacoustic frequencies in slender tubes
Enrique Flores-Montoya, Víctor Muntean, Mario Sánchez-Sanz, Daniel Martínez-Ruiz. Journal of Fluid Mechanics (2022)
Acoustic response of a lean premixed flame propagating upward in a tube
Francisco J. Higuera. Combustion and Flame, 199, 377-386 (2019)
Experimental analysis of oscillatory premixed flames in a Hele-Shaw cell propagating towards a closed end
Fernando Veiga-López, Daniel Martínez-Ruiz, Eduardo Fernández-Tarrazo, and Mario Sánchez-Sanz. Combustion and Flame, 201, 1-11 (2019)
Premixed-flame oscillations in narrow channels
Daniel Martínez-Ruiz, Fernando Veiga-López, Mario Sánchez-Sanz. Physical Review Fluids 4 (10), 100503 (2019)
Lean methane-air flames propagating upward in vertical tubes
Victor Muntean, Francisco J. Higuera. Combustion Science and Technology 188 (4-5), 818-830 (2016)
Effect of radiation losses on very lean methane/air flames propagating upward in a vertical tube
Francisco J. Higuera, and Victor Muntean. Combustion and Flame, 161(9), 2340-2347. (2014)
Flujo compresible
Stability of expanding accretion shocks for an arbitrary equation of state
César Huete, A. Velikovich, Daniel Martínez-Ruiz, & Andrés Calvo-Rivera. Journal of Fluid Mechanics (2021)
Wedge-Induced Oblique Detonations with Small Heat Release
Alba Domínguez-González, Daniel Martínez-Ruiz, Luca Scotzniovsky, Antonio L. Sánchez, Forman A. Williams. AIAA Journal (2021)
Specific heat effects in two-dimensional shock refractions
Daniel Martínez-Ruiz, César Huete, Pedro J. Martínez-Ferrer, Daniel Mira. Shock Waves, 31, pages 1–17 (2021)
Theory of Weakly Exothermic Oblique Detonations
Daniel Martínez-Ruiz, César Huete, Antonio L. Sánchez, Forman A. Williams. AIAA Journal 58 (1), 236-242 (2020)
Irregular self-similar configurations of shock-wave impingement on shear layers
Daniel Martínez-Ruiz, César Huete, Pedro J. Martínez-Ferrer, Daniel Mira. Journal of Fluid Mechanics 872, 889-927 (2019)
Interaction of oblique shocks and laminar shear layers
Daniel Martínez-Ruiz, César Huete, Antonio L. Sánchez, Forman A. Williams. AIAA Journal 56 (3), 1023-1030 (2018)
Interaction of a planar reacting shock wave with an isotropic turbulent vorticity field
César Huete, Tai Jin, Daniel Martínez-Ruiz, Kun Luo. Physical Review E 96 (5), 053104 (2017)
Flujos multifásicos
On the structure of steady one-dimensional liquid-fueled detonations
Daniel Martínez-Ruiz, Physics of Fluids 35, 086122 (2023)
, Combustion Science and Technology (2020)
Presentaciones en congresos
Combustión de hidrógeno
One and two-headed quasi-planar hydrogen premixed flames.
Alba Domínguez-González, Miguel P. Encinar, Víctor Muntean, Daniel Martínez-Ruiz. 3rd HPC Spanish Combustion Workshop (Presentación oral – flash talk).
Lugar: Barcelona Supercomputing Center (Virtual event). July 2021
click to see the presentation
Combustión eficiente
Influence of Heat Losses on Thermo-Acoustic Coupling Frequencies.
D. Martı́nez-Ruiz, E. Flores-Montoya, V. Muntean, M. Sánchez-Sanz. 74th American Physical Society – Division of Fluid Dynamics Conference. November 2021. Phoenix, USA.
Effect of thermophoresis on PIV measurements in combustion.
Victor Muntean, Francisco Higuera. 4th Iberian Meeting on Aerosol Science and Technology. 2016. Aveiro, Portugal.
Lean methane-air flames propagating upward in vertical tubes.
Victor Muntean, Francisco Higuera. 9th Mediterranean Combustion Symposium. 2015. Rodas, Greece.
Upward Propagation of very leam methane-air flame fronts in vertical tubes.
Victor Muntean, Francisco Higuera. 35th International Symposium on Combustion. 2014. San Francisco, USA.