Category Archives: Education

Are Virtual Reality Serious Video Games More Effective Than Web Video Games?

Virtual reality is widely used for many educational purposes. However, despite the increasing trend in the use of this technology, it is not yet clear whether it is more effective for learning than other technologies, such as traditional computer video games. This article presents a serious video game to learn Scrum, a methodology widely used in the software industry. The game is available in mobile virtual reality and Web (using WebGL) formats. Both versions of the game are compared in terms of knowledge acquisition and motivation enhancement through a robust empirical study involving 289 students and instruments, such as prepost tests and a questionnaire. The obtained results suggest that both formats of the game are useful for acquiring knowledge and promoting aspects, such as fun, motivation, and engagement. The results also suggest, strikingly, that there is no difference in terms of learning effectiveness between the two versions of the game.

About Jesús Mayor

Jesús Mayor is since 2019 a full-time lecturer and researcher in Politécnica de Madrid University. He received MS degree in Computer Science (CEU San Pablo, 2013), MS degree in Computer Graphics (U-tad, 2014) and PhD degree in Computer Science (Rey Juan Carlos University, 2020) in Madrid. His studies are focused on computer graphics and data science

ScrumVR: Un video juego educativo en Realidad Virtual para aprender metodologías ágiles de desarrollo de software

Title Translation: ScrumVR: An educational video game in Virtual Reality to learn agile software development methodologies.

La tecnología de la Realidad Virtual es un medio prometedor para la educación, siendo este eficaz e innovador para los estudiantes. A su vez, el uso de esta tecnología resulta ser atractivo para los estudiantes, haciendo posible la adquisición de conocimientos y mejora de la motivación con su uso. Esta contribución presenta ScrumVR, un videojuego educativo dirigido a estudiantes de grado de Ingeniería del Software y en el que se enseñan conceptos clave de las metodologías ágiles de desarrollo software, en concreto de la metodología Scrum. Dicho videojuego, trata de acercar a los estudiantes a sus primeros días de trabajo dentro de un equipo de desarrollo software con dicha metodología. Para evaluar la herramienta se ha realizado un caso de estudio con alumnos de Ingeniería del Software con conocimientos sobre Scrum. Los estudiantes han indicado cuantitativa y cualitativamente que Scrum-VR está correctamente diseñado desde el punto de vista narrativo, técnico y educativo, cumpliendo así con los objetivos previstos.


About Jesús Mayor

Jesús Mayor is since 2019 a full-time lecturer and researcher in Politécnica de Madrid University. He received MS degree in Computer Science (CEU San Pablo, 2013), MS degree in Computer Graphics (U-tad, 2014) and PhD degree in Computer Science (Rey Juan Carlos University, 2020) in Madrid. His studies are focused on computer graphics and data science

Learning and motivational impact of using a virtual reality serious video game to learn scrum

Today, there is a great variety of learning techniques and methodologies: traditional lectures, role-plays, group dynamics, project-based learning, simulations, educational games, and so on. Regarding technology-enhanced learning, the educational usage of virtual reality is innovative and the initiatives carried out suggest that this technology is an appealing medium for young people that facilitates an active and effective teaching. On the other hand, agile methodologies are widely spread across the IT industry and it is necessary to look for the best techniques to learn them in the most appropriate way. This contribution presents a virtual reality serious video game, named ScrumVR, which aims to teach the key aspects of the most widespread agile methodology for software development: Scrum. To do so, this video game tries to gets players closer to their first weeks of work within a Scrum team. The empirical results, gathered through a case study conducted with 78 software engineering students and supported by instruments, such as prepost tests and questionnaires, indicate that ScrumVR facilitates the learning of the roles, meetings, artifacts, and practices employed in Scrum, and contributes to enhance student’s motivation and the whole learning experience.

About Jesús Mayor

Jesús Mayor is since 2019 a full-time lecturer and researcher in Politécnica de Madrid University. He received MS degree in Computer Science (CEU San Pablo, 2013), MS degree in Computer Graphics (U-tad, 2014) and PhD degree in Computer Science (Rey Juan Carlos University, 2020) in Madrid. His studies are focused on computer graphics and data science

A comparison of the usefulness of game-based learning and video-based learning for teaching software engineering in online environments

Despite prior research has shown several benefits of game-based and video-based learning and has compared these methodologies versus traditional instruction, little work has been done to compare their usefulness, especially in online education settings. This paper examines and compares the usefulness of game-based learning using educational video games and video-based learning for teaching software engineering in online environments. The design of this research is quasi-experimental, involving a control and an experimental group. A total of 193 software engineering students participated in this research, 45 in the control group and 148 in the experimental group. Both groups took a lesson about software design, but the students in the control group learned through online video-based learning, whereas their counterparts in the experimental group learned through online game-based learning. A survey was used to collect students’ perceptions and pre- and post-tests were used to measure acquired knowledge. The results indicate that both learning methodologies were found to be beneficial for student learning and that online game-based learning outperformed online video-based learning in terms of students’ perceptions.

About Jesús Mayor

Jesús Mayor is since 2019 a full-time lecturer and researcher in Politécnica de Madrid University. He received MS degree in Computer Science (CEU San Pablo, 2013), MS degree in Computer Graphics (U-tad, 2014) and PhD degree in Computer Science (Rey Juan Carlos University, 2020) in Madrid. His studies are focused on computer graphics and data science

Examining and Comparing the Effectiveness of Virtual Reality Serious Games and LEGO Serious Play for Learning Scrum

Significant research work has been undertaken related to the game-based learning approach over the last years. However, a closer look at this work reveals that further research is needed to examine some types of game-based learning approaches such as virtual reality serious games and LEGO Serious Play. This article examines and compares the effectiveness for learning Scrum and related agile practices of a serious game based on virtual reality and a learning activity based on the LEGO Serious Play methodology. The presented study used a quasi-experimental design with two groups, pre- and post-tests, and a perceptions questionnaire. The sample was composed of 59 software engineering students, 22 of which belonged to group A, while the other 37 were part of group B. The students in group A played the virtual reality serious game, whereas the students in group B conducted the LEGO Serious Play activity. The results show that both game-based learning approaches were effective for learning Scrum and related agile practices in terms of learning performance and motivation, but they also show that the students who played the virtual reality serious game outperformed their peers from the other group in terms of learning performance.

About Jesús Mayor

Jesús Mayor is since 2019 a full-time lecturer and researcher in Politécnica de Madrid University. He received MS degree in Computer Science (CEU San Pablo, 2013), MS degree in Computer Graphics (U-tad, 2014) and PhD degree in Computer Science (Rey Juan Carlos University, 2020) in Madrid. His studies are focused on computer graphics and data science

Design of a serious games to improve resilience skills in youngsters

Nowadays, extremist ideologies are increasing their presence around the world, while having an impact on different social fields, such as politics, religion, or even sports. Youngsters are especially vulnerable to this type of ideologies, as they are still conforming to their own ideals, which in turn represents a problem on their moral and ethical development. While today there exist many programs and projects which focus on confronting this problem, most of them focused in psychological protective factors, it is still necessary to adapt these methodologies to the new characteristics of society and attract the interest of young people. In this research, we present the design and pilot testing of YoungRes, a serious game focused on promoting resilience skills. This paper describes the theoretical foundations of the intervention, its development as a serious game, and its validation in pilot testing made by educators, psychologists, and psycho-pedagogues. The pilot testing is conducted through the trial of educators of the first two video game sessions. After that, they reported feedback on their opinions about the game, together with suggestions and measures about the impact it could have for educational purposes.

About Jesús Mayor

Jesús Mayor is since 2019 a full-time lecturer and researcher in Politécnica de Madrid University. He received MS degree in Computer Science (CEU San Pablo, 2013), MS degree in Computer Graphics (U-tad, 2014) and PhD degree in Computer Science (Rey Juan Carlos University, 2020) in Madrid. His studies are focused on computer graphics and data science

Virtual reality application for fostering interest in art

There is concern within the cultural community about the decreasing number of people, especially young people, visiting museums and cultural institutions. To fight this trend, new ways of accessing art are needed. We believe that technologies like virtual reality can greatly foster the relationship between users and works of art. In this article, we present an elaborated virtual reality experience, ImmersArt, whose aim is to take users literally inside a work of art and the creative universe of its creator. The motivational impact of this tool was empirically analyzed and compared with other formats for experiencing art such as illustrated books and audiovisual presentations. The study suggests that young people are more motivated to study artwork when using virtual reality.

About Jesús Mayor

Jesús Mayor is since 2019 a full-time lecturer and researcher in Politécnica de Madrid University. He received MS degree in Computer Science (CEU San Pablo, 2013), MS degree in Computer Graphics (U-tad, 2014) and PhD degree in Computer Science (Rey Juan Carlos University, 2020) in Madrid. His studies are focused on computer graphics and data science

Scrum vr: Virtual reality serious video game to learn scrum

Education is crucial for the growth of society, and the usage of effective learning methods is key to transmit knowledge to young students. Some initiatives present Virtual Reality technologies as a promising medium to provide active, effective, and innovative teaching. In turn, the use of this technology seems to be very attractive to students, making it possible to acquire knowledge through it. On the other hand, agile methodologies have taken an essential role within information technologies and they are key in Software Engineering education. This paper combines both areas and presents prior research about Virtual Reality experiences with educational purposes and introduces a serious VR video game that aims to promote the learning of agile methodologies in Software Engineering education, specifically the Scrum methodology. This application tries to bring students closer to their first days of work within a software development team that uses the Scrum methodology. Two evaluation processes performed with university teachers and students indicate that the developed video game meets the proposed objectives and looks promising.

About Jesús Mayor

Jesús Mayor is since 2019 a full-time lecturer and researcher in Politécnica de Madrid University. He received MS degree in Computer Science (CEU San Pablo, 2013), MS degree in Computer Graphics (U-tad, 2014) and PhD degree in Computer Science (Rey Juan Carlos University, 2020) in Madrid. His studies are focused on computer graphics and data science