Learning and motivational impact of using a virtual reality serious video game to learn scrum

Today, there is a great variety of learning techniques and methodologies: traditional lectures, role-plays, group dynamics, project-based learning, simulations, educational games, and so on. Regarding technology-enhanced learning, the educational usage of virtual reality is innovative and the initiatives carried out suggest that this technology is an appealing medium for young people that facilitates an active and effective teaching. On the other hand, agile methodologies are widely spread across the IT industry and it is necessary to look for the best techniques to learn them in the most appropriate way. This contribution presents a virtual reality serious video game, named ScrumVR, which aims to teach the key aspects of the most widespread agile methodology for software development: Scrum. To do so, this video game tries to gets players closer to their first weeks of work within a Scrum team. The empirical results, gathered through a case study conducted with 78 software engineering students and supported by instruments, such as prepost tests and questionnaires, indicate that ScrumVR facilitates the learning of the roles, meetings, artifacts, and practices employed in Scrum, and contributes to enhance student’s motivation and the whole learning experience.


About Jesús Mayor

Jesús Mayor is since 2019 a full-time lecturer and researcher in Politécnica de Madrid University. He received MS degree in Computer Science (CEU San Pablo, 2013), MS degree in Computer Graphics (U-tad, 2014) and PhD degree in Computer Science (Rey Juan Carlos University, 2020) in Madrid. His studies are focused on computer graphics and data science

2 thoughts on “Learning and motivational impact of using a virtual reality serious video game to learn scrum

    1. The empirical results from the study indicate that the use of VR in Agile methodology education, specifically through the ScrumVR serious video game, significantly enhances students’ learning outcomes and motivation. The study, conducted with 78 software engineering students, demonstrated statistically significant improvements in knowledge acquisition about Scrum roles, meetings, artifacts, and practices. Additionally, students found the VR experience engaging and effective, with high satisfaction ratings regarding its usability, narrative, and educational impact. These findings suggest that VR-based learning can serve as an innovative and effective complement to traditional Agile methodology education​

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