The Room-Scale locomotion method is one of the most realistic locomotion methods used in virtual reality technologies. This is due to the natural interaction obtained through the tracking of its controllers and the head-mounted display with six degrees of freedom. However, its mapping by position between the physical and the virtual world limits the user’s movement to the physical workspace provided by the corresponding device. Redirected Walking methods use gain algorithms that add modifications to the virtual movement of the user, optimizing the virtual workspace in the same physical workspace. In this article, we develop a new Redirected Walking method, which combines the modification of three gain algorithms (curvature gain, rotation gain, and translation gain), a new algorithm (deviation gain), a path predictive method of the user’s locomotion, a proportional distance to the center function, and a user direction smoothing function that softens the effect of the algorithms. Complementing the new method, we offer an automatic calibration system that allows the user to use our method in a personalized way.
About Jesús Mayor
Jesús Mayor is since 2019 a full-time lecturer and researcher in Politécnica de Madrid University. He received MS degree in Computer Science (CEU San Pablo, 2013), MS degree in Computer Graphics (U-tad, 2014) and PhD degree in Computer Science (Rey Juan Carlos University, 2020) in Madrid. His studies are focused on computer graphics and data science
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