Participation in research groups
Participation in research projects
Title of the project | Reference | Funder | University |
Dinámica determinista y estocástica en las ciencias aplicadas | PID2021-122991NB-C21 | Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (Spanish government) | Universidad de Sevilla (Spain) |
Deterministic and stochastic dynamics of models from Neuroscience, Epidemiology, Biology and other branches of the Applied Sciences | US-1254251 | Proyectos I+D+i FEDER Andalucía 2014-2020 (Andalusian government) | Universidad de Sevilla (Spain) |
Análisis y Aplicaciones de Sistemas Dinámicos no Autónomos y Estocásticos (Analysis and applications of non-autonomous and stochastic dynamical systems) | P12-FQM-1492 | Proyectos de Excelencia Junta de Andalucía (Projects of Excellence Andalusian government) | Universidad de Sevilla (Spain) |
Research stays and visits
Host | University | City / Country | Dates |
Prof. Dr. Renato Colucci | Università Politecnica delle Marche | Ancona / Italy | 15th February – 22nd August 2020 (6 months) |
Prof. Dr. Renato Colucci | Università degli Studi Niccolò Cusano | Roma / Italy | 22nd November – 5th December 2018 (19 days) |
Prof. Dr. Alain Rapaport | UMR INRA / SupAgro MISTEA | Montpellier / France | 4th September – 22nd September 2018 (18 days) |
Prof. Dr. Alain Rapaport | UMR INRA / SupAgro MISTEA | Montpellier / France | 8th May – 10th June 2017 (1 month) |
Prof. Dr. Alain Rapaport | UMR INRA / SupAgro MISTEA | Montpellier / France | 9th October – 10th December 2016 (2 months) |
Contributions in national and international congresses
Title of the contribution | Congress | Place | Type | Date |
The chemostat model with real random perturbations on Monod and Haldane consumption functions | ICMC Summer Meeting on Differential Equations 2024 Chapter | São Carlos (Brazil) | Invited talk | January 2024 |
Comparison between white and real noise to model disturbances on the input flow in chemostats | International Workshop on Deterministic and Stochastic Dynamics and Applications | Elche (Spain) | Invited talk | March 2023 |
Modeling real noise in population dynamics with applications to the chemostat model | International Conference on Mathematical Analysis and Applications in Science and Engineering | Oporto (Portugal) | Regular talk | June 2022 |
Modeling bounded random fluctuations in the classical chemostat with non-monotonic consumption function | ICMC Summer Meeting on Differential Equations 2021 Chapter | São Carlos (Brazil) | Invited talk | February 2021 |
Modeling bounded random disturbances in biological systems: an application to bioreactors | 1st International Congress of Pure and Applied Mathematics | Callao (Peru) | Invited talk | November 2020 |
Studying the long-time dynamics of fermentation models: production of dry and sweet wine | ICMC Summer Meeting on Differential Equations 2020 Chapter | São Carlos (Brazil) | Regular talk | February 2020 |
Modeling bounded random fluctuations in biological systems: application to the chemostat model with two species | 8th IFAC Conference on Foundations of Systems Biology in Engineering | Valencia (Spain) | Invited talk | October 2019 |
Biological systems with bounded random disturbances: the chemostat model with wall growth | Workshop on PDEs for biology systems | Sevilla (Spain) | Regular talk | April 2019 |
Effects of bounded random disturbances on chemostat models with several species and wall growth | ICMC Summer Meeting on Differential Equations 2019 Chapter | São Carlos (Brazil) | Regular talk | February 2019 |
Modeling and analyzing the dynamics of random chemostat models with wall growth and Monod kinetics | II Joint Meeting Spain-Brazil in Mathematics | Cádiz (Spain) | Invited talk | December 2018 |
Modeling and analyzing the long-time behavior of random chemostat models | 9th Vienna International Conference on Mathematical Modelling | Vienna (Austria) | Poster | February 2018 |
Pullback attractors to analyze the effect of random and stochastic disturbances in the chemostat model | ICMC Summer Meeting on Differential Equations 2018 Chapter | São Carlos (Brazil) | Regular talk | February 2018 |
Random dynamical systems to analyze different ways of modeling stochastic chemostats | Conferencia Española de Biometría 2017 | Sevilla (Spain) | Regular talk | September 2017 |
Dynamics of some stochastic chemostat models with multiplicative noise | Congreso de Ecuaciones Diferenciales y Aplicaciones/Congreso de Matemática Aplicada 2017 | Cartagena (Spain) | Invited talk | June 2017 |
Conferences given in seminars, workshops and visits
Title of the contribution | Event | Place | Date |
Modelización y estudio de biorreactores sometidos a perturbaciones aleatorias. | Curso doctorado “Modelos No Lineales en Ingeniería Matemática” | Madrid (Spain) | January 2024 |
Modelización y estudio de biorreactores sometidos a perturbaciones aleatorias. | Curso doctorado “Modelos No Lineales en Ingeniería Matemática” | Madrid (Spain) | January 2023 |
Stochastic and random fluctuations in biological systems | Seminário em Dinâmica não-linear | São Carlos (Brazil) | December 2022 |
Perturbaciones aleatorias en modelos de quimiostato | Acto Homenaje a la Profesora María José Garrido Atienza | Sevilla (Spain) | May 2022 |
Sistemas dinámicos autónomos y estudio de modelos epidemiológicos | Seminario de investigación Antonio Giraldo y Sonia Sastre | Madrid (Spain) | October 2021 |
How to maximize the bio-gas production? An optimization problem with different geometrical configurations | Instructor in ECMI Postgraduate / VI Iberian / NeEDS Modeling week | Sevilla (Spain) | July 2019 |
A new way of modeling random input flows in chemostat models | MOCAS seminar of MISTEA lab | Montpellier (France) | September 2018 |
Analysis of some stochastic chemostat models by means of random dynamical systems | Journée des doctorants et postdoctorants en modelisation et commande des bioprocedes | Narbonne (France) | May 2017 |
Dynamics of some stochastic chemostat models with multiplicative noise | Seminario PHD | Sevilla (Spain) | January 2017 |
Dynamics of a non-autonomous chemostat | Seminario PHD | Sevilla (Spain) | November 2015 |
Dynamics of a non-autonomous chemostat | Curso Física y Matemáticas: dos caras de una misma moneda | Sevilla (Spain) | July 2015 |