Òscar O. Santos Sopena

School: ETSIDI

Subjects: English Leveling, EPAC, Oral and Written Communication (Spanish) [GRADUATE]; Professional Development Seminars, Professional Language, Employability and Entrepreneurship [Master’s Degree]. Previous teaching experience in ApS, interculturality and communicative processes at University Maryland, West Texas A&M University and Universidad Nebrija.

Projects/topics related to the project: ApS projects and intercultural mediation of Lavapiés/Embajadores; AULAS PUENTE; Aula Multicultural: Espacio de Lengua y Cultura Aplicada; REDPLANEA and STEAM with A, INNOVA, CONECTA and SERVICIO Lavapiés, etc.

Strengths: ApS-Service Learning; intercultural communication; cultural studies; management and community contact; Assistant to the Directorate for Students, Entrepreneurship and Innovation ETSIDI-UPM; Previous activities already included in EELISA [e.g. Accreditable Activity – Introd. Social Intrapreneurship – 6 editions].