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Centrifuge Tests on Rock-Socketed Piles: Effect of Socket Roughness on Shaft Resistance

J.G. Gutiérrez-Ch, G. Song, Heron, C.M., Marshall, A., Jimenez, R.


Preliminary estimations of shaft resistance of rock-socketed piles are usually conducted using empirical formulations that relate to the uniaxial compressive strength (𝜎𝑐) of the weaker material involved (intact rock or pile). However, there are other factors, such as the degree of socket roughness, that could affect the shaft resistance of rock-socketed piles. In this paper, results from geotechnical centrifuge tests are presented to demonstrate the effect of socket roughness on the pile shaft resistance. Aluminum model piles with different degrees of shaft roughness were fabricated and embedded within an artificial rock mixture composed of sand, cement, bentonite, and water. Pile loading tests were conducted within the centrifuge and axial forces along the model piles were measured using fiber Bragg grating (FBG) sensing technology. Results are used to demonstrate that centrifuge testing provides a suitable experimental method to study and quantify the effect of socket roughness on the shaft shearing mechanism of rock-socketed piles. Finally, the centrifuge test measurements are compared with several formulations published in the literature, suggesting that centrifuge measurements tend to agree with the overall trend, despite the variability of predictions obtained with different formulations.

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Pile head load-settlement (Gutiérrez-Ch et al, 2021)
Pile head load-settlement (Gutiérrez-Ch et al, 2021)
Idealized centrifuge test setup (Gutiérrez-Ch et al., 2021)
Idealized centrifuge test setup (Gutiérrez-Ch et al., 2021)

Numerical modelling of pore water pressure response beneath a raft foundation during real river floods

E.P. Graterol, J.G. Gutiérrez-Ch, L. Mediero, S. Senent


Tall buildings with basement levels are increasingly being built due to need for space in large cities. Frequently, such structures are built involving a raft foundation and diaphragm walls below the water table. In addition, sometimes such buildings are located on floodplains. Therefore, if a river flood event occurs, the building can be exposed to pore water pressure (due to the fluctuation of water table) acting beneath its raft foundation. The generated subpressures will depend on the water table changes with time, and on the way such pressures are transmitted through the ground. Previous works have studied this behavior through laboratory and small-scale tests or numerically; however, many of them have used a constant hydraulic gradient and the water table fluctuations with time have been ignored. In this work, the evolution of pore water pressures with time mobilized beneath a raft foundation of a building built in a floodplain is studied. To do that, full-scale numerical models capable of simulate a river flooding and its corresponding overflow are developed. Such models incorporate data from water table change–time curves recorded during real river floods associated with a set of river regimes. Additionally, the effect of factors such as the soil permeability, the diaphragm wall length, and the soil thicknesses on water pore pressures beneath a raft foundation are also analyzed. Results suggest numerical models developed herein are capable of reproducing pore pressures induced beneath a raft foundation during river flooding. Furthermore, it was found that the above-mentioned factors could impact the percentage of pore water pressure mobilized beneath the raft foundation with respect to the maximum pore water pressure that could be induced during river flooding, and that the principal risk arises in buildings near large catchments where the flow increases over an extended period. Finally, practical implications and recommendations to practitioners are provided.

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Fig. 1. Set-up of the analyzed problem: (a) conceptual model, (b) numerical model.
Set-up of the analyzed problem: (a) conceptual model, (b) numerical model (Graterol et al. 2024).

Discrete element modelling of rock creep behaviour using rate process theory

J.G. Gutiérrez-Ch, S. Senent, E. Estebanez, R. Jimenez


Rock creep behaviour is crucial in many rock engineering projects. Different approaches have been proposed to model rock creep behaviour; however, many cannot reproduce tertiary creep (i.e., accelerating strain rates leading to rock failure). In this work, the distinct element method (DEM) is employed, in conjunction with the rate process theory (RPT) of M.R. Kuhn and J.K. Mitchell (published in 1992) to simulate rock creep. The DEM numerical sample is built using a mixture of contact models between particles that combines the Flat Joint Contact Model and the Linear Model. Laboratory uniaxial compression creep tests conducted on intact slate samples are used as a benchmark to validate the methodology. Results demonstrate that, when properly calibrated, DEM models combined with the RPT can reproduce all creep stages observed in slate rock samples in the laboratory, including tertiary creep, without using constitutive models that incorporate an explicit dependence of strain rate on time. The DEM results also suggest that creep is associated with damage in the samples during the laboratory tests, due to new microcracks that appear when the load is applied and maintained constant at each loading stage.

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(a) DEM sample, h=136.7mm, D = 63.1mm; (b) comparison between DEM and laboratory results (Gutiérrez-Ch et al. 2021)

A DEM-Based Factor to Design Rock-Socketed Piles Considering Socket Roughness

J.G. Gutiérrez-Ch, S. Senent, S. Melentijevic, R. Jimenez


The Distinct Element Method (DEM) has gained recent attention to study geotechnical designs with rock-concrete or rock–rock interfaces, such as rock-socketed piles. In this work, 3D DEM models with non-standard contacts laws (the Smooth-Joint and Flat-Joint contact models) are proposed to analyze the response of axially loaded rock-socketed piles with different sockets roughness, since socket roughness is a key factor affecting their side shear resistance that is not usually considered for pile design. DEM models are calibrated using experimental data, and the consequences of applying 2D models for calibration, to be subsequently used in a 3D analysis, are studied. Numerical results suggest that such DEM models can be employed to reproduce key aspects of the behavior of rock-socketed piles, such as their load and global stiffness-settlement response, their side shear resistance, and the damage at the rock-pile interface. Finally, an empirical factor 𝛼𝑅𝐹,1%𝐷 is proposed to estimate the side shear resistance of rock-socketed piles considering the socket roughness and the uniaxial compressive strength (UCS) of the weaker material (rock or pile) at the interface


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Factor for average side shear resistance 
 prediction considering a socket head settlement equivalent to 1%D
Factor alpha for average shaft resistance prediction of rock-scoketed pile considering socket roughness (RF) and a pile settlement of 1%D (Gutiérrez-Ch et al. 2021)

Distinct-Element Method Simulations of Rock-Socketed Piles: Estimation of Side Shear Resistance Considering Socket Roughness

J.G. Gutiérrez-Ch, S. Melentijevic, S. Senent,  R. Jimenez


Rock-socketed piles are foundational elements designed to transmit large concentrated loads to stronger materials located at greater depths. The rock-socket side shear resistance is commonly estimated using empirical criteria as a percentage of the rock or concrete uniaxial compressive strength. However, this approach neglects the influence of other important aspects, such as the roughness of the pile-socket interface. In this work, numerical discrete-element models of rock-socketed piles with different degrees of socket roughness are employed to estimate the influence of the socket roughness on the load-settlement response and on the side shear resistance. The numerical simulation results are compared with predictions obtained using empirical correlations based on load test results and proposed by other authors. Results indicate that the discrete-element method is suitable to reproduce rock-socket pile behavior considering socket roughness; they also suggest that sockets drilled with standard tools in soft to medium rock tend to be relatively smooth unless artificially roughened with special tools and that damage to the interface asperities becomes more relevant after socket settlement of about 1% of the socket diameter, especially for rougher piles.

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Idealized subsurface profile of a rock-socketed pile
Idealized subsurface profile of a rock-socketed pile.
DEM results compared with design curves proposed by Seidel and Collingwood (2001) after incorporating the load tests data of Kulhawy and Phoon (1993)
DEM results compared with design curves proposed by Seidel and Collingwood (2001) after incorporating the load tests data of Kulhawy and Phoon (1993).

Distinct element method simulations of rock-concrete interfaces under different boundary conditions

J.G. Gutiérrez-Ch, S. Senent, S. Melentijevic, R. Jimenez


The shear behaviour of concrete-rock interfaces has been the aim of extensive research in geotechnical engineering applications such as rock socketed piles, rock bolts and concrete dam arch bridge foundations. Several experimental studies through direct shear tests have been conducted to evaluate the shear behaviour of rock-concrete interfaces under CNL (Constant Normal Load) and CNS (Constant Normal Stiffness) conditions. In this paper, PFC2D numerical simulations of unbonded rock-concrete planar and saw-tooth triangular joints under CNL and CNS boundary conditions are conducted using the Shear Box Genesis (SBG) approach proposed by Bahaaddini et al. (2013b). The numerical simulation results are compared with experimental data published by Gutiérrez (2013) and Gu et al. (2003). Results indicate that the SBG approach reproduces suitably the shear behaviour, failure mode and asperity damage of unbonded (planar and triangular) rock-concrete interfaces, specially under CNL conditions.

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Upper: results of numerical and laboratory direct shear tests of rock-concrete interface with saw-tooth triangular profile and conducted under CNS boundary condition (laboratory data from Gu et al. (2003)); Lower: Asperity damage at different shear displacements.

DEM simulation of rock creep in tunnels using Rate Process Theory

J.G. Gutiérrez-Ch, S. Senent, P. Zeng , R. Jimenez


The time-dependent (creep) behaviour of rocks affects the safety and stability of tunnels excavated in weak rocks and at great depths. Several theories have been proposed to simulate the creep deformation in rock; i.e., the progressive time-dependent damage that rocks (or other materials) exhibit under constant stress. However, most of these theories do not capture the accelerating strains associated to tertiary creep and leading to rock failure. In this research, the Rate Process Theory (RPT), combined with the Discrete Element Method (DEM), are used to simulate rock creep deformation in deep tunnels. To do that, two-dimensional (2D) DEM tunnel models are built using particles, with their interactions being simulated by a hybrid mixture of the linear and flat joint contact models. The RPT is incorporated into such models by a user-defined Visual C++ script that modifies their friction coefficients during the DEM simulation, depending on the relative velocity between particles. Numerical results show, for the first time, that the joint RPT-DEM approach is able to reproduce all stages of tunnel convergences associated to rock creep, including tertiary creep; and that it can reproduce the rock damage associated to such creep strains.

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Evolution of tunnel convergences (i.e., strains vs computational steps) computed with the “gauge particles” located in the radial direction for 2D DEM tunnel simulations.

Rock shear creep modelling: DEM – Rate process theory approach

J.G. Gutiérrez-Ch, S. Senent, E.P. Graterol, P. Zeng , R. Jimenez


Understanding the rock creep behavior is necessary to determine the long-term strength and safety of several geotechnical designs. There are several formulations to study the rock creep; however, most of them do not properly capture the tertiary creep. To overcome such limitation, model improvements have been made and new creep models (e.g., creep models with an associated viscoplastic flow rule) have been proposed. As an alternative, the Rate Process Theory (RPT) has been recently used to study the soil/rock creep behavior. This article expands previous works by analyzing the applicability of the Discrete Element Method (DEM) with RPT implementation to simulate Rock Shear Creep (RSC). To do that, (i) 2D DEM direct shear creep tests under Constant Normal Load (CNL) conditions are used, (ii) DEM specimens are built by a combination of the Flat-Joint Contact Model (FJCM) and the Linear Model (LM), and (iii) the DEM + RPT approach is calibrated by using experimental tests from the literature. DEM results presented here illustrate the suitability of DEM–RPT methodology to reproduce all stages of RSC, including tertiary creep. The effect of the applied shear stress and normal stress on RCS is also analyzed. Finally, the most important novelties of this paper are: (1) the DEM–RPT methodology can be easily calibrated by using a laboratory direct shear creep test; (2) the calibrated DEM models are suitable to analyze the main aspects of RSC; and (3) DEM results qualitatively agree with the overall experimental trend published in the literature

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In this figure the iterative process to calibrate the micro-properties of a synthetic material matching the macro-properties of specimen laboratory tests is shown.
Flowchart of RPT implementation at each ball-ball contact of the DEM model.
February 2025