The Vice Rector’s Office for Internationalization (Vicerrectorado de Internacionalización) promotes and administers the UPM’s international exchange programmes. Its mission is to encourage student mobility to and from UPM.


ERASMUS+ with Programme Countries

Erasmus+ is the EU’s programme to support education, training, youth and sport in Europe. The Erasmus+ programme is the main international mobility programme at the UPM. About two-thirds of mobility students take part in the Erasmus+ programme. The Vice Rector for Internationalization is responsible for administering and signing bilateral agreements with universities under the Erasmus+ programme managed by the Associate Vice Rector for Internationalisation Services and EU Programmes.

Rectorado Edificio B
Paseo de Juan XXIII, 11
28040 Madrid
Phone: +34 910670156


Students who would like to do an Erasmus+ exchange at the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid should:

  1. Contact the International Relations Office and the Erasmus+ coordinator at their home school or university for information about the procedures required to join UPM as an Erasmus+ student. Your home school or university will forward the nomination to coordinator responsible for Erasmus+ exchanges at the UPM school where you wish to study before:
    1. 1 May for students opting for a full academic year or fall semester
    2. 1 November for students opting for spring semester
  2. After nomination by your home university for an Erasmus+ mobility at the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, complete and sign the Online Learning Agreement via the Erasmus dashboard, which must be signed by your home university coordinator and forward the following documents to the coordinator responsible for Erasmus+ exchanges at the UPM school where you wish to study:
  • CV
  • Transcript of records
  • Spanish language proficiency (A2 level minimum) or English language proficiency for courses taught in English (B2 level minimum)
  • Letter of motivation if you intend to complete your final-year project (stating fields of interest).
  • Copy of ID card or passport
  1. Deadline for receipt of applications:
  • 1 June for students wishing to study during a full academic year or in the first semester.
  • 1 December for students arriving for the second semester.

Letters of acceptance will be sent within a period of 15-20 days.



It is a good idea to arrive at least 10 days before lectures start so you can look for accommodation and complete the required academic procedures. Once you are in Madrid, you will need to go to the International Office at your UPM host to register as an Erasmus student and apply for your UPM student ID card. On arrival, you will be required to show:

  • A photocopy of your passport or European Union student ID card
  • Letter of acceptance from the UPM school
  • The learning agreement, signed by you and the Erasmus coordinator of your home university, if you did not send it before your arrival
  • Two original passport-size photos.

International Office staff will give you instructions on the enrolment procedure and how to organize your timetable, and your certificate of arrival, which your home university will need to process your Erasmus+ exchange. Students are required to take out a student mobility insurance with an insurance company authorized to operate in Spain. Most UPM schools hold a welcome event for international students during the first week of September.


The International Office at the UPM school where you will be studying will provide guidance on the enrolment procedure. You can only enrol for the courses listed on your learning agreement. Enrolment periods may vary from school to school.  The following periods are given as a guideline:

  • Enrollment period: second half of July
  • Unenrollment period: end of January
  • Extended enrollment (FYP, practicum, English language certification): early February.


At the end of your stay, you will need to request the following documents from the Erasmus+ coordinator at your host school:

  • Certificate of attendance showing the period of time that you have spent at the UPM
  • Transcript of records

You will need to submit the originals of these documents at your home university or school. If your transcript of records is not available when you leave, the Erasmus office at your host school will forward it to your home university or school.

ERASMUS+ with third countries not associated with the programme

Erasmus+ also funds academic and youth mobility and cooperation between Europe and other regions in the world. Erasmus+ supports activities that are closely matched with the EU’s priorities for cooperation policy with third countries and regions. The UPM participates in this programme and exchanges students with countries in Africa, Asia, Europe and Latin America.

Rectorado C
Paseo Juan XXII, 11
28040 Madrid
Phone: +34 91 0670365/70380


Students intending to apply for an exchange under Erasmus+ with third countries associated or nota associated with the programme at UPM should:

  1. Contact the International Relations Office at their home school or university for information about the procedures required in order to complete part of their degree programme at UPM as part of the Erasmus+ programme. UPM offers many accredited degree programes taught in Spanish and some courses in English. PhD students should look for a UPM professor working in their field of interest. Selected students should be nominated by the International Office at their home university, which should email the following documents to the Erasmus+ KA171 Office at UPM:
  • Copy of their passport
  • Learning agreement signed by home university
  • Transcript of records issued by home university
  • Tuition fee receipt at home university
  • Learning agreement approved and signed by a supervisor at UPM (for PhD students or students intending to complete their master’s final project at UPM who should have already contacted a supervisor at UPM).

The deadline for the receipt of nominations is:

  • 1 June for students intending to study for a full academic year or fall semester
  • 1 December for students arriving for the second semester.

UPM will then contact students to request personal details, provide a letter of acceptance for visa application, manage their travel allowance and help students find accommodation. Students will be informed of the UPM School to which they have been admitted and assigned a mentor by the International Office at their respective Schools.


Upon arrival, students should make an appointment and report to the Erasmus+ KA171 Office at UPM to submit:

  • Photocopy of passport and visa
  • Boarding cards
  • Photocopy of insurance policy.

The insurance policy must cover at least:

  • travel insurance (including damage or loss of luggage)
  • third party liability (including professional indemnity or insurance for responsibility)
  • accident and serious illness (including permanent or temporary leave)
  • death (including repatriation).

ERASMUS+ KA171 office staff will provide:

  • A financial agreement for signature
  • Instructions on how to open a bank account and will paid part payment (70%) of their Erasmus+ grant into this bank account

Guidance about practical matters concerning life in and around Madrid.


Students can only enroll for the courses stated on their learning agreement. To process enrolment,

  • Attach the completed learning agreement showing the subjects that you intend to take. The learning agreement must be signed and stamped by the coordinators of your home and host universities
  • Submit a photocopy of your private medical insurance providing health cover in Spain.



Towards the end of your stay, complete the EU survey, which will be emailed directly from the EU, to qualify for the remaining 30% of their Erasmus+ grant.

At the end of your stay,

  • Collect your certificate of departure from the Erasmus+ KA171 Office.
  • Collect your transcript of records or research activities for exchange students from your host school at UPM. If your transcript of records is not available when you leave, the International Office at your host school will forward it to your home university or school.
  • Submit the originals of these documents at your home university or school.
  • Complete a recognition report that will be emailed to directly by EU no later than forty-five days after the end of your mobility.


The ATHENS network is made up of a total of 15 European higher education institutions (one per country). The UPM is the Spanish university in the network. Within the framework of the ATHENS programme, the participating universities organize week-long courses (twice a year: March and November) in which students from all the network universities participate.

ATHENS courses consist of 30 hours (classes, laboratory, technical visits, practice, etc.) distributed in a week of classes. The subject of the course is chosen by the teacher, as are the (general or specialized) difficulty level, the language in which the course is taught (preferably English), the timetable and the prerequisites for participation by students. Courses can be taught by one or more teachers.

For more information:

UPM contact address:


The Magalhaes Network connects leading technical universities in Europe and Latin America and the Caribbean. It organizes the SMILE exchange programme for students to study one or two semesters abroad without paying additional fees to the receiving university on the other continent.

Every year more than 1000 students participate in exchange studies between Magalhães partners. Equal numbers participate from each continent. Interested students should contact the International Office at their home university to find out which SMILE partners they are eligible for.

For more information:

UPM contact address:



UPM is a member of the Global Engineering Educational Exchange (Global E3). The Global E3 Programme is a consortium-based exchange programme for engineering students to study abroad and carry out internships worldwide, while continuing to pay tuition at home. With members in over 20 countries, students at Global E3 member institutions can choose to study abroad at leading international institutions. Interested students should contact the International Office at their home university.

For more information:

UPM contact address:



The UPM welcomes individual mobility students from other countries.

Se divide en: Students from Universities with Agreements, Students from Universities without Agreements (Visiting Students), Students with Scholarships from other Institutions

Students from Universities with agreements

Incoming exchange students who want to study at the UPM are covered by individual bilateral agreements between the UPM and international universities. Interested students should contact their home university to find out whether there is a bilateral agreement in place with the UPM and the respective UPM School. UPM offers many accredited degree programes taught in Spanish and some courses in English.

For further information click here.

Students from Universities without agreements (Visiting Students)

Students who have completed at least one academic year at their home university and would like to take courses at the UPM may apply for admission as a visiting student at the UPM. Visiting student admission is not dependent on there being a bilateral agreement between the home university and UPM. Visiting students will be charged tuition fees at UPM. Interested students should contact the UPM International Office. Students will be required to submit the following documents, which will be referred to the respective UPM School:

The deadline for applications is:

  • 1 June for full academic year and fall semester
  • 1 December for spring semester

UPM contact address:


The UPM welcomes students with scholarships from other institutions, including but not limited to:

Scholarships for Latin American Students

UPM collaborates with several national and international agencies providing scholarships for international MSc and PhD students. Interested students should consult the respective scholarship application calls.


The Fundación Carolina annually offers scholarships for master and PhD students targeting academic academic and scientific innovation to enhance development in Ibero-America.

For more information:



COLFUTURO is a Colombian non-profit foundation that was established in 1991 with the support of the National Government and some of the most important private sector companies in the country at that time. Its main objective is to provide financial support and increase the possibilities of Colombian citizens to access high-quality postgraduate study programs abroad.

For more information: https://www.colfuturo. org/financiacion-para-posgrados-en-el-exterior



Panama’s National Secretariat for Science, Technology and Innovation offers and manages merit-based academic scholarships in the field of science, technology and innovation and other priority areas.

For more information:



Chile’s National Research and Development Agency (ANID) offers scholarships funding master and doctoral studies in any field and any country aiming for graduates to apply the acquired knowledge upon their return to Chile and further the country’s scientific, academic, economic, social and cultural development of the country.


For more information:







MAEC-AECID Scholarships for  Master programmes

This scholarship programme provides the opportunity for civil servants or public sector employees from the Spanish Cooperation priority countries to take face-to-face master programmes in Spain over a nine-month period. Candidates can apply for any accredited master programmes (60 ECTS credits) offered by a Spanish university related to Spanish Cooperation policy action lines.


Candidates should be:

  • Nationals of any of the following countries: Bolivia, Colombia, Cuba, Ecuador, El Salvador, Ethiopia, Philippines, Guatemala, Equatorial Guinea, Haiti, Honduras, Mali, Morocco, Mauritania, Mozambique, Nicaragua, Niger, Palestine, Paraguay, Peru, Dominican Republic and Senegal.
  • Civil servants or public sector employees in their country of origin, including education system or higher education staff, and authorized by the Government of their country of origin. • Proficient in Spanish or the language in which the master programme is taught.


Applications should be submitted through the AECID Electronic Office at https://www.aecid.

More information is available from http://www.


UPM contact address:

Chinese Scholarship Coulncil Scholarships

China Scholarship Council (CSC) is a non-profit institution affiliated with the Ministry of Education of China. It is a national organization to support Chinese citizens to study abroad and foreign citizens to study in China. The Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM) is a leading technical university in Spain. The CSC and UPM have jointly launched the CSC-UPM Cooperative PhD Scholarship Programme according to which the CSC offers a number of scholarships to Chinese citizens applying to complete a PhD at the UPM. According to the agreement, up to twenty scholarships may be awarded to degree-seeking full-time PhD students. CSC provides scholarship holders with a living stipend and roundtrip airfare. UPM waives tuition and research fees.

General UPM PhD Programme Entry Requirements
  • Candidates should be Chinese nationals holding a master’s degree or equivalent qualifying the holder for admission to a PhD programme in China at the start of their CSC-UPM scholarship.
  • English proficiency for PhD applicants: IELTS (Academic) 6.5 or TOEFL (iBT) 90. This requirement is waived if English is the only language of instruction for your current or previous level of studies.
  • Students who do not hold the respective English language certificates should contact for instructions.
  • More information on UPM PhD programmes is available here.

More information on this programme is available at

UPM contact address: