
  • 2024: Our team successfully qualified as 2nd and 6th position on the “MuSe’24 Multimodal Sentiment Analysis Challenge” at ACM Multimedia 2024.
  • 2024: Our team successfully qualified 7 out of 69 participants in the Emotion Recognition Challenge at Odissey 2024.
  • 2024: Our team ranked on par with the current state-of-the-art system in the MUSTI task of understanding smell references in historical texts and images at MediaEval 2023.
  • 2022: One professor from the group selected for the second time as “Advisor” of the UPM “THAURUS” team in the international student competition “Amazon Alexa Prize Social Bot Grand Challenge, 5th edition” (9 selected universities from around the world including Stanford University, Carnegie Mellon University etc. ).
  • 2021: Winners in two out of five categories in the “Predicting Media Memorabiblity Challenge” at the MediaEval Workshop, December 2021 (remembering having seen a video clip o a second viewing).
  • 2020: One professor from the group selected as “Advisor” of the UPM “Genuine 2” team in the international student competition “Amazon Alexa Prize Social Bot Grand Challenge, 4th edition” (9 selected universities from around the world).
  • 2019: Winners for the competition TASS 2019 Sentiment Analysis for Spanish Variants,, Ignacio González Godino and Luis Fernando D´Haro Enríquez
  • 2012: Winners of the Albayzin-2012 Language Recognition Competition (LRE).
  • 2012: Albayzin Award 2012 for the best speech synthesis system of the RTTTH.
  • 2009: Third place in the international competition in speech diarization, NIST Rich transcription.
  • 2008: Award for the best text-to-speech system Albayzin.
  • 1996: Development of the text-to-speech conversion system in Spanish “Boris” marketed by the UPM.
  • 1995: Participation in the development of the text-to-speech converter in Spanish of the Swedish company Telia-Promotor-Infovox.
  • 1993: The UPM Department of Electronic Engineering receives the “Reina Sofía de Rehabilitación” award for the Group’s work in developing aids for the disabled.
  • 1992: Development of the “VISHA” tool for linguists, speech therapists and speech researchers that includes programs such as SAS, ISOTON and Vox.
  • 1991: Participation in the development of the text-to-speech converter in Spanish “Amigo” for Telefónica and AT&T.
  • 1985: Development of the ISOTON system for vocal training of the hearing impaired.
  • 1984: Participation in the development of the Dec-Talk Spanish text converter from Digital Equipment Corporation.
  • 1983: First prize in the Adamicro National Microprocessor Applications Contest
  • 1983: Participation in the development of the first text-to-speech converter in Spanish commercialized in the world: Prose 2000 from the company “Speech Plus”.
  • 1978: Development of the first talking calculator in Spanish for the blind with an Intel 8085 microprocessor.

Awards to publications

  • 2024: “Best Student Journal Paper” Award by Red Temática en Tecnologías del Habla – Edition 2024 for Cristina Luna-Jiménez for the paper “Evaluating emotional and subjective responses in synthetic art-related dialogues: A multi-stage framework with large language models.”.
  • 2024: “Premios de Investigación Científica y Tecnológica Margarita Salas 2024” Award by Ayuntamiento de la Comunidad de Madrid for Manuel Gil-Martín doctoral thesis, “Contributions to Human Motion Modeling and Recognition using Non-intrusive Wearable Sensors.”.
  • 2023: “El Futuro de las TIC” Award by Huawei for Cristina Luna Jiménez doctoral thesis, “Design of intelligent models for multimodal socio-affective computing”.
  • 2014: “Fundación Orange” Award for Verónica López Ludeña doctoral thesis, “Diseño, desarrollo y evaluación de sistemas de traducción automática para reducir las barreras de comunicación de las personas sordas”
  • 2010: “Fundación Orange” Award for Roberto Barra Chicote’s doctoral thesis, “Contributions to the Analysis, Design, and Evaluation of Strategies for Corpus-based Emotional Speech Synthesis”.
  • 2003: “La Caixa” Award for Juan Manuel Montero Martín’s doctoral thesis, “Estrategias para la mejora de la naturalidad y la incorporación de variedad emocional a la conversión texto-voz en castellano”
  • 2002: Ericsson Prize and Extraordinary Doctorate Prize for Ascensión Gallardo Antolín’s doctoral thesis, “Reconocimiento de habla robusto frente a condiciones de ruido aditivo y convolutivo”
  • 2002: “Auna” Award and Extraordinary Doctorate Award for Rubén San Segundo Hernández’s doctoral thesis, “Mejora de servicios automáticos por teléfono con reconocimiento de habla: Nueva generación de servidores vocales interactivos”
  • 2000: Award for the best article in “Services, applications and multimedia contents”, Title Optimización de un servicio automático de paginas blancas por teléfono: proyecto IDAS” X Telecom I + D Conference
  • 1999: Award for the best article in “Multimedia Technology and applications”, Title: “Servidores Vocales Interactivos: Desarrollo de un servicio de páginas blancas por teléfono con reconocimiento de voz”, IX Telecom I + D Congress
  • 1982: AEIT and COIT Award for the doctoral thesis of José Manuel Pardo Muñoz “Cálculo de parámetros articulatorios del habla española y su aplicación en la educación de minusválidos”
  • 1980: “Mundo Electrónico” Award for the best article on professional electronics, Title “Calculadora parlante en español para ciegos”