Our Innovative Teaching Group “MAGyA” (Spanish acronym for Applied Methodologies in Genetics and Agronomy) is formed by the staff of the Genetics Unit at the ETSIAAB:
– Coordination: Estela Giménez
– Professors: Patricia Giraldo, Elena Benavente, Laura Pascual, Marina Martinez-Garcia and Carla Guijarro
– Technician: Paqui Arroyo
– Students: Naima Boabdellah and Alba Díaz
Additionally, we are also joined by Eva Miedes (professor at the Biochemistry Unit at ETSIAAB) and members from other teaching centres (Gloria Aguilar, Rut Jiménez-Liso and María Martínez).

We are currently working on optimizing the second edition of the #PIE23upm for the MSc in Agronomical Engineering on Project Based Learning.
Thanks for all students for their commitment and their very creative breeding projects @IEducativa_UPM

You can find more information here:
First Award. Best Innovative Teaching Project 2019-2020. Gamification for Genetics: design and optimization of a escape room.
M. Martínez-García, A. Espí, P. Giraldo, L. Pascual, E. Benavente, M. López-Fernández y E. Giménez. (2024) Diseño y puesta a punto de un Escape Room de Genética. Libro de actas del I Congreso en Innovación Docente de las Universidades Madrileñas:MadrID. Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, 3 y 4 de octubre de 2024.pág. 119 a 125. URI http://hdl.handle.net/10486/715499
Giménez, E., Benavente, E., Pascual, L., García-Sampedro, A., López-Fernández, M., Vázquez, J. F., Giraldo, P. (2021). An F2 Barley Population as a Tool for Teaching Mendelian Genetics. Plants, 10 (4), 694. doi: 10.3390/plants10040694
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