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Archivos diarios: 15/01/2021


Contrato por obra o servicio con cargo a proyectos de investigación

Centro de trabajo:Institute for Sustainable Agriculture of the Spanish National Council for Scientific Research (IAS-CSIC),
Dirección:Córdoba, Spain.
Titulación requerida:Graduado; Máster; Doctor
Proyecto:The work is part of two projects of the PRIMA program:

1) MEDWATERICETowards a sustainable water use in Mediterranean rice-based agro-ecosystems.
2) HubIS: Open innovation Hub for Irrigation Systems in Mediterranean agriculture.

Both projects include in their objectives developing hydrological models of water balance, water accounting and water circulation to evaluate the effects of improving on-field irrigation efficiency at the irrigation scheme or agricultural watershed scales. These effects also refer to the quality of the water. The work involves modelling and field monitoring activities.
The job is offered for one year, but there is the possibility of extending it for another two years. This possibility of extensión allows carrying out a doctoral thesis.
The work would be carried out at the Institute for Sustainable Agriculture (CSIC), Córdoba, Spain, in close collaboration with project partners in other countries.
Se requiere:*Good knowledge of Spanish and English.
*University degree with training in agricultural hydrology.
*Experience on or motivation to learn modeling hydrological processes.
*Ability or motivation to learn computer programming.
Se ofrece:*A contract for a graduate student with a gross anual salary of about 30,000 €.
*Interaction within the IAS-CSIC recipient group and with the partners of the MEDWATERICE and HubIS projects, including stays with the partners of both projects according to the needs for the proper development of the activities.
*Possibility of doing a doctorate at the University of Córdoba or another university with the supervision of professors from both institutions.
Interesados remitir C.V. y carta de motivació

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Publicación realizada por la Oficina de Empleo de la Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería Agronómica, Alimentaria y de Biosistemas (ETSIAAB)