Convocatoria del Qatar National Research Fund, en colaboración con el Ministerio de Municipalidad y Medio Ambiente de Qatar, para un puesto de investigador principal en el área de seguridad alimentaria.
Se trata de un puesto muy bien retribuido ($200.000/año), mediante una beca Q-Grant del QNRF, que pretende cubrir el área de desarrollo tecnológico en el ámbito de la alimentación animal y vegetal, salubridad animal, cadena de suministros y acuicultura.
Convocatoria Seguridad Alimentaria QNRF-MME
Qatar National Research Fund (QNRF), in collaboration with the Ministry of Municipality and Environment (MME), is pleased to announce the launch of the second cycle of the Food Security Call.
Each award is up to US$ 200,000 per year and up to three years with a total budget of up to US$ 500,000. The online submission channel, Q-Grants, will open today 16 July 2020, 12pm, Doha time.
The research priority areas of this call are:
- Local Supply Chain.
- Sustainable aquaculture.
- Technology to accelerate local production and improve productivity of high-quality vegetables and/or animal feed.
- Technology to accelerate the development of highly productive and healthy animals, including combating epidemic diseases.
The Lead Principal Investigator (LPI) must be affiliated with either an approved submitting institution inside Qatar or a collaborative institution outside Qatar.
In case the LPI is affiliated to a collaborative institution outside Qatar, a Co-LPI from an approved submitting institution inside Qatar must be identified.
Applicants may participate by submitting a proposal in accordance with the guidelines and timeline stated in the Call for Proposal (CFP) along with the updated research plan template and other related documents available online at the Food Security Call.
For registration and proposal submission, please visit, and select the relevant program QNRF and MME will hold public workshops and broadcast webinars to demonstrate the call parameters. Dates and venues will be announced and communicated in due course.
For enquiries, please do not hesitate to contact us through
QNRF Programs Team
Qatar National Research Fund
About Empleo ETSIAAB
Publicación realizada por la Oficina de Empleo de la Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería Agronómica, Alimentaria y de Biosistemas (ETSIAAB)