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Grupos de investigación donde participan miembros del departamento

Grupo de investigaciónUniversidadInvestigador/es participante/sPágina web
Sistemas dinámicos, aprendizaje y control (SisDAC)Universidad Politécnica de MadridHéctor Barge Yáñez
Geometría y sus aplicacionesUniversidad Politécnica de MadridJuan Ángel Rojo Carulli
Jonathan Sánchez Hernández
Alexandre Quesney
Alfonso Zamora Saiz
Análisis estocástico de sistemas diferenciales (AESDIF)Universidad de SevillaJavier López de la Cruz
Modelos matemáticos no linealesUniversidad Politécnica de MadridJavier López de la Cruz

Líneas de investigación de los miembros del departamento

Línea de investigaciónInvestigador/es
Geometría y topología de los espacios de móduli y las variedades de caracteresAlfonso Zamora Saiz
Jonatan Sánchez Hernández
Métodos topológicos en sistemas dinámicosHéctor Barge Yáñez
Sistemas dinámicos no autónomos y aleatorios con aplicaciones a modelos
matemáticos que tienen su origen en ciencias de la vida
Javier López de la Cruz
Polinomios ortogonales y matrices infinitas. Medidas fractales.Carmen Escribano Iglesias
Raquel N. Gonzalo Palomar
Teoría de operadas, geometría no-conmutativa, sistemas integrables.Alexandre Quesney

Proyectos de investigación en los que participan miembros del departamento

Nombre del proyecto (Referencia)Organismo financiadorEntidadInvestigador/es
Dinámica determinista y estocástica en las ciencias aplicadas (PID2021-122991NB-C21)Ministerio de Ciencia e InnovaciónUSJavier López de la Cruz
Estructuras geométricas, topológicas y combinatorias asociadas a sistemas dinámicos
Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación UCMHéctor Barge Yáñez
Simetrías e Invariantes en Geometría y Aritmética
Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación e UniversidadesCSICAlfonso Zamora Saiz

Publicaciones científicas recientes

Autor/esTítulo de la publicaciónRevistaAñoEnlace
T. Caraballo
J. López-de-la-Cruz
V. Caraballo-Romero
Effects of real random perturbations on Monod and Haldane consumption functions in the chemostat modelMathematics and Computers in Simulation2024
T. L. Gómez
A. F. Herrero
A. Zamora
The moduli stack of principal $\rho$-sheaves and Gieseker–Harder–Narasimhan filtrationsMathematische Zeitschrift2024
H. Barge
J.J. Sánchez-Gabites
The realization problem of attractors for non-connected compactaTopology and its applications2023
H. Barge
J.M.R. Sanjurjo
The topology of dissipative systemsIn European Congress of Mathematics2023
H. Barge
J.J. Sánchez-Gabites
The geometric index and attractors of homeomorphisms of R^3Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems2023
T. Caraballo
J. López-de-la-Cruz
V. Caraballo-Romero
Chemostat models with Monod and Haldane consumption functions and random environmental fluctuationsMathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences2023
H. Barge
J.M.R. Sanjurjo
Higher dimensional topology and generalized Hopf bifurcations for discrete dynamical systemsDiscrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems2022
T. Caraballo
J. López-de-la-Cruz
V. Caraballo-Romero
Non-autonomous chemostat models with non- monotonic growthInternational Journal of Computer Mathematics2022
T. Caraballo
J. López-de-la-Cruz
A. Rapaport
Study of the dynamics of two chemostats connected by Fickian 
diffusion with bounded random fluctuations
Stochastics and Dynamics2022
C. Florentino
A. Nozad
J. Silva
A. Zamora
On Hodge polynomials of singular character varietiesCurrent Trends in Analysis, its Applications and Computation
(Proceedings of the 12th ISAAC Congress, Aveiro, Portugal 2019), Birkhäuser
C. Florentino
A. Nozad
A. Zamora
Generating series for the E-polynomials of GL(n,C)-character varietiesMathematische Nachrichten2022
J. Korinman
A. Quesney
The quantum trace as a quantum non-abelianization mapJournal of Knot Theory and its Ramifications2022
H. Barge, J.J. Sánchez-GabitesKnots and solenoids that cannot be attractors of self-homeomorphisms of R^3International Mathematics Research Notices2021
H. BargeCech cohomology, homoclinic trajectories and robustness of non-saddle setsDiscrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems2021
A. Cañas, V. Muñoz, J. Rojo, A. ViruelA K-contact simply connected 5-manifold with no semi-regular Sasakian structurePublicacions Matemàtiques2021
T. Caraballo
J. López-de-la-Cruz
Survey on chemostat models with bounded random input flowMathematical Modelling and Control2021
T. Caraballo
J. López-de-la-Cruz
Bounded random fluctuations on the input flow in chemostat models with wall growth an non-monotonic kineticsMathematics2021
C. Florentino, A. Nozad and A. ZamoraSerre polynomials of SLn- and PGLn-character varieties of free groupsJournal of Geometry and Physics2021
U. Jezernik, J. SánchezOn the subjectivity of word maps on PSL2Journal of Algebra2021
L. Martin, J. RojoResolution of 4-dimensional symplectic orbifoldsAnnals of Global Analysis and Geometry2021
I. Mencattini, A. Quesney  Crossed morphisms, integration of post-Lie algebras and the post-Lie Magnus expansionCommunications in Algebra 2021
H. Barge, A. Giraldo and J.M.R. SanjurjoBifurcations, robustness and shape of attractors of discrete dynamical systemsJournal of Fixed Point Theory and Applications2020
H. Barge, J.M.R. SanjurjoDissonant points and the region of influence of non-saddle setsJournal of Differential Equations2020
H. Barge, J.M.R. SanjurjoA Conley index study of the evolution of the Lorenz strange set Physica D2020
T. Caraballo
R. Colucci
J. López-de-la-Cruz
A. Rapaport
Study of the chemostat model with non-monotonic growth under random disturbances on the removal rateMathematical Biosciences and Engineering2020
R. Colucci
J. López-de-la-Cruz
Dynamics of fermentation models for the production of dry and sweet wineCommunications in Pure and Applied Analysis2020
M. Fernández
J. Sánchez
On SO(3)-bundles over the Wolf spacesRevista Matemática Iberoamericana2020
J. López-de-la-Cruz
et al
Dynamics and numerical simulations to predict empirical antibiotic treatment of multi-resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa infectionCommunications in Nonlinear Science and
Numerical Simulation
I. Mencattini, A. Quesney, P. Silva,Post-symmetric braces and integration of post-Lie algebrasJournal of Algebra2020
V. Muñoz, J. RojoSymplectic resolution of orbifolds with homogeneus isotropyGeometría Dedicata2020
V. Muñoz, J. Rojo, A.TralleHomology Smale-Barden manifolds with K-contact and Sasakian structuresInternational Mathematics Research Notices2020
T. Caraballo
R. Colucci
J. López-de-la-Cruz
A. Rapaport
A way to model stochastic perturbations in population
dynamics models with bounded realizations
Communications in Nonlinear Science and
Numerical Simulation
T. Caraballo
M. J. Garrido-Atienza
J. López-de-la-Cruz
A. Rapaport
Modeling and analysis of random and stochastic input flows in the chemostat modelDiscrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems – Series B2019
T. Caraballo
J. López-de-la-Cruz
A. Rapaport
Modeling bounded random fluctuations in biological systems:
application to the chemostat model with two species
IFAC Papers Online2019
Carmen Escribano
Raquel Gonzalo
Emilio Torrano
A Characterization of Polynomial Density on Curves via Matrix AlgebraMathematics2019
Carmen Escribano
Raquel Gonzalo
Emilio Torrano
A dichotomy result about Hessenberg matrices associated with measures in the unit circleMathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences2019
Carmen Escribano
Raquel Gonzalo
Emilio Torrano
Hermitian positive definite Toeplitz matrices and Hessenberg
Computational and Mathematical Methods2019
E. Hoefel, M. Livernet, A. QuesneyOn the deformation complex of homotopy affine actionsAdvances in Mathematics2019
J. López-de-la-CruzRandom and stochastic disturbances on the input flow in chemostat models with wall growthStochastic Analysis and Applications2019


Autor/esTítulo de la publicaciónEditorialAñoEnlace
A. Zamora Saiz and R. Zúñiga-RojasGeometric Invariant Theory, Holomorphic Vector Bundles and the Harder-Narasimhan FiltrationSpringerBriefs, Springer Nature2021
A. Zamora Saiz, C. Quesada González, L. Hurtado Gil and D. Mondéjar RuizAn introduction to data analysis with RSpringer Nature, collection Use R!2020