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9th Industrial Days “Test and Launch Infrastructure for Current and Future Launch Systems”

“Test and Launch Infrastructure for Current and Future Launch Systems” and “Microlauncher Panels”
The 9th Industrial Days will take place at DLR-Forum of Space Propulsion. At its site in Lampoldshausen, the German Aerospace Center (Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt; DLR) hosts expertise that is unique within Europe for the development and operation of rocket engine test stands. Over the last 60 years, the Institute of Space Propulsion, which is based in Lampoldshausen and now employs approximately 340 members of staff, has developed into a key partner for the European space industry.

Día: 20/04/2022 y 21/04/2022

Hora: de 11:00h  a 13:30h

Registro: 9th INDUSTRIAL DAYS “Test and Launch Infrastructure for Current and Future Launch Systems” – 2nd day: “Micro Launcher Panels (

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