Inicio » Eventos UE » Launching webinar for the Eureka-Globalstars call for projects with Brazil (Finep)

Launching webinar for the Eureka-Globalstars call for projects with Brazil (Finep)

In this webinar you will receive insights on the Eureka programme and the Globalstars initiative. This initiative allows Eureka countries to launch call for projects with countries outside Eureka. Brazil has recently signed a Declaration of Intent with Eureka allowing this country to launch Globalstars calls until 2024.
This webinar will introduce the main features of the call with Brazil, including timing and procedures. In addition, the funding bodies of the countries participating in this call (Belgium, Brazil, Czech Republic, Portugal, Spain, The Netherlands and Türkiye) will explain the funding tools to be used to financially support the participating entities in each country.

Día: 24/10/2023

Hora: 14:00h

Registro: Registration (

2 comentarios

  1. Les rogaria que me incaran donde conseguir información más precisa acerca del seminario de ayer, si fuera posible.
    En la actualidad estamos preparando un proyecto de desarrollo tecnológico junto con una empresa de sistemas eléctricos en el sur de Brasil y estamos muy interesados en la financiación del proyecto.

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