The group has been recently equipped with an AUTOLAB PGSTAT302N with a FRA32M module for potenciostat/galvanostat and impedance measurements. It is worth to note, that we have also acquired an Optical Bench Kit with different LED’s (green, blue and white) for coupling AUTOLAB and measuring photo-impedance for a full characterization of anode photoelectrodes.
The group has several electrochemical cells available in different volumes. We have single electrochemical cell, jacketed cells for working at high temperature, H2-cell allowing the separation of anode and cathode chambers and optoelectrochemical cells built in quartz. Also, we have several working, reference and counter electrodes with different geometries that perfectly fit to our cells.
The SOFC Test Station allows one to perform a complete characterization of a Solid Oxide Fuel Cell. It is possible to manage the temperature, gas mixture and impedance measurements using a homemade software (Labview) that control an automata Compact Rio.