The 4th Symposium on Riordan Arrays and Related Topics (4RART) will be held at Universidad Complutense de Madrid in Madrid on 17-20 July 2017.
The aims of this meeting are to share ideas and results related to Riordan matrices developed by researchers all around the world and to gather together specialists in different areas where the Riordan group or any of its elements is or could be involved.
This symposium follows the line established by the three previous ones.
Web pages of previous symposia:
Scientific committee
Local organizing committee
Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad: MINECO, MTM2015-63612-P
Universidad Complutense de Madrid: Acción especial UCM AEC9/17-20790\
Departamento de Geometría y Topología de la UCM
Universidad Politécnica de Madrid: Programa Propio UPM.