Approach to the problem: Air and Water. Conversation about the situation of the environmental problems in the neighbourhood. What do we know about the river and the quality of the air in the neighbourhood? What would we like to know? Each group chooses a topic.
Tasks: The chicxs tell us what they have discovered about their topic River/Community Air Pollution to present it in the next session using a resource that they decide.
Presenting “Your Research.”
Inspectors of the environment We know the sensors around us and we see their data on the network (Weather, air quality, water quality,…) Awareness of the situation of air and water in my neighborhood.
What can I do? We become Inspectors of the Environment!
Presentation of the project’s sensors and what they measure.
Development of one sensor:
Introduction to Arduino.
We start the CaTcharreo (we assemble the prototype all together following the instructions of the trainer online) – adapting it to the situation of the moment.
YOUNG CLIMATHON (challenges x groups proposed)
WORK IN GROUPS: Analysis and interpretation of data from existing networks
COMMON (connection with Valencia)
Development of Sensors 2: CaTcharreo (we assembled the prototype all together)
Installation of measurement units that will remain in the centre.
Data analysis and interpretation
- What kinf of data do we have?
- Can I trust in my own data? Limit of detection
- Can I reach any conclusion with that information?
Join Meeting: Different groups share their projects and conclussion
Evaluation of the project.
Devising new ways to continue.