Kick-off meeting Szcecin
The 6th of February 2020, the kick-off meeting of the VLEE project was held in Szczecin (Poland). In the official presentation of the project, All partners presented their organizations, putting attention on the experiences on the field of international projects. The agenda of the event was marked by the presentation of basic assumptions, objectives, anticipated results and timelines of the project.
Transnational meeting Madrid (Spain), held online
The second transnational meeting of the VLEE Project planned to be held in Madrid was held online the 6th july 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic. IO1 progress was reported by UPM team. The two main development stages of IO1 were completed. Tasks to be done and timelimes on IO1 were agreed. IO2 draft was also presented by MMs.
Third transnational meeting Leitrim (Ireland) held online
Meeting expected to be held in Leitrim was also on line in the 25th February 2021. IO2 progress and planning was discussed. Research on VLEE toolkit was finished identifying a wide range of applications that can be used for developing Visual skills for engineering students. The selection of 24 tools for the final toolkit for VLEE was agreed to be done.
Fourth transnational meeting Copenhagen (Denmark) held online
Meeting was held on line in the 08 of July 2021. MMS presented the finished VLEE Toolkit, which is already uploaded on the VLEE website. CCL presented progress on Intellectual output IO3, the online course. ZUT presented the very first draft of Sustainability Strategy. NOT presented the updates as well as plan for the development of dissemination and impact.
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