ROBOGait is a project of the Automation and Robotics Center (CAR) CSIC-UPM developed over years by students and researchers of the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. The institutions involved in this project are: CAR CSIC-UPM, ETSIDI-UPM, INEF-UPM and LAMBECOM-URJC:

Joint center between the UPM and the CSIC whose main objective is the development of research in the fields of Control Engineering, Artificial Perception and Robotics to be able to introduce the advances in society. During the period of collaboration between the two institutions, numerous projects have been carried out for the European Commission’s programs, national plans in Spain and a large number of collaborations with private companies.
Address 1: Ctra. Campo Real Km 0.2, 28500, Arganda del Rey. Tel.1: +34 91 87 11 900
Address 2: Calle José Gutiérrez Abascal, 2, 28006, Madrid. Tel.2: +34 91 33 63 061
The Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería y Diseño Industrial (ETSIDI) is a public institution dedicated to higher education that belongs to the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, emerged in 2013 as a transformation of the Escuela Universitaria de Ingeniería Técnica Industrial. This facility provides specialized laboratories in electronics, motion fluids, automation and control, etc. There are also different associations to promote the personal and academic development of students such as the Club de Robótica, Electrónica y Automática (CREA).
Address: Ronda de Valencia, 3, 28012, Madrid. Tel.: + 34 910 67 74 00

The Facultad de Ciencias de la Actividad Física y del Deporte – UPM comes alive as an extension of the Instituto Nacional de Educación Física (INEF), starting to work in 1967. Nowadays, this school is equiped with modern laboratories for movement analysis, performance assessment and teaching analysis in order to train graduates who have to develop their profession in different fields of Physical activity and Sports
Address: Calle de Martín Fierro, 7, 28040 Madrid. Tel.: +34 910 67 78 98
Acronym for Laboratorio de Análisis del Movimiento, Biomecánica, Ergonomía y Control Motor, a biomechanics laboratory placed in the health science school of the Universidad Rey Juan Carlos. It was created with the aim of increasing knowledge about the collection, collection, purification, and objective and instrumental analysis of the biological signal, in clinical or simulated real-life environments. It is intended to increase knowledge in movement disorders and postural control, as well as innovate in their treatment.
Address: Avda. Atenas s/n. 28922 Alcorcón Edificio Dpal II, 1ª Planta. Tel.: +34 914 88 89 13