Ricardo Albarracín-Sánchez was born in Madrid, Spain. He is currently Associate Professor and Vice-dean of economic affairs and planning at Technical School of Engineering and Industrial Design (Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería y Diseño Industrial, ETSIDI) belonging to Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM), Madrid, Spain.
He received his B.Sc., M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering, respectively, in 2008, 2010 and 2014 from the Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (UC3M), Madrid, Spain.
In 2008, he joined the Department of Electrical Engineering in the UC3M as Assistant Professor (2008-2014) where he obtained a scholarship to study a Master degree and carried out his research in the High-Voltage Research and Tests Laboratory (LINEALT). In 2014, his Ph. D. thesis entitled “Partial discharges measurements in radiofrequency” obtained the highest rating of Outstanding with Honours. In 2015, he worked in the High-Voltage laboratory at ETSIDI-UPM under a postdoc contract. In mid 2015, he joined Boslan Ingeniería y Consultoría being leader in Innovation, Technology and R&D in the electrical grids and generation area providing services to Gas Natural Fenosa (Naturgy) (2015-2016) and also working as Adjunct Professor at Universidad Pontificia de Comillas, Madrid, Spain.
In 2016, he joined the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Automatic Control, and Applied Physics in the ETSIDI-UPM, where he has been an Associate Professor since 2019. Since 2017, he is member of the research group named Low and High-Voltage Networks and Installations (Redes e instalaciones de baja y alta tensión, RIBAT). Besides, he worked as Assistant to the Director for International Mobility (Erasmus+ School coordinator) (2017-2020). Since 2020, he is Vice-dean of Economic Affairs and Planning at ETSIDI-UPM.
Since 2014, he works as international researcher in Electrical Engineering field collaborating with international researchers and universities all around the world. Since 2018, he is member of the Doctoral Program at ETSIDI-UPM. His main research interest areas are:
- Lifespan estimation of electrical insulation systems
- Modelling electrical insulation weaknesses in solid dielectrics such as polymers
- Study of liquid dielectrics used in power transformers
- Partial discharges measurements and analysis for condition monitoring of power equipment
- Antennas and sensors for electromagnetic acquisitions
- Renewable energy integration in the grid and its application for feeding electrical drives
Additional information:
Google Scholar: http://scholar.google.com/citations?user=gpCF5_gAAAAJ&hl=e
Researchgate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Ricardo_Albarracin
Como resumen más destacado de los logros conseguidos, principalmente aquellos relacionados con la labor investigadora en el área de la ingeniería industrial eléctrica y de gestión universitaria (excluyendo los méritos docentes), se destacan (octubre 2024): - Un total de 44 artículos en revistas científicas incluidas en el JCR, 18 artículos en congresos internacionales en su mayoría recogidos en la Web of Knowledge (WOK) y 6 contribuciones en libros científicos (4 capítulos, 2 libros). - Ha participado como miembro del equipo investigador en 10 proyectos competitivos, 2 internacionales, 7 proyectos nacionales y 1 de la Comunidad de Madrid, así como en 12 con empresas (11 como responsable principal). - Ha sido Subdirector de Infraestructuras y Asuntos Económicos en la Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería y Diseño Industrial (ETSIDI) de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM), desde 2020 hasta 2023. - Ha sido Adjunto a la Dirección para Movilidad Internacional y coordinador Erasmus+ de la ETSIDI-UPM desde 2017 a 2020. - Editor invitado en 2 revistas y editor asociado en 1 revista, todas en el JCR. - Ha tutelado 1 Tesis doctoral y más de 25 trabajos fin de carrera/grado/máster, que han dado lugar a 10 publicaciones en revistas de impacto en JCR.
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