The Jean Monnet Chair RegenEU focuses on advancing EU regeneration policy to achieve the ambitious social, environmental and climatic Green Deal targets. It is funded by the European Union.
EU urban regeneration is an essential policy to achieve the multidimensional transition requested by the EGD without leaving anyone behind. However, its relevance collides with insufficient knowledge of its potential among relevant stakeholders and EU citizens. Furthermore, there is a lack of grades and master courses on this matter, and there is also little interrelated discussion by academia and policymakers.
In this context, the Jean Monnet Chair RegenEU focuses on fostering EU studies, research, and awareness of the transformative potential of urban regeneration by:
- Underlying the relevance of urban regeneration towards resilient cities and a prosperous EU for a wide array of urban stakeholders, looking “beyond sustainability” in a time of “poly-crisis”.
- Stimulating discussion on how EU regeneration policy should evolve to achieve the ambitious social and environmental EGD goals and tackle urgent urban challenges from a people-based approach.
- Informing key Cohesion Policy debates and decision-making to strengthen the EU’s leader role in achieving a resilient and cohesive urban system, as outlined in the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, the Urban Agenda for the European Union, and the EGD.
- Promoting EU values and, in particular, advocating for an EU urban system that prioritizes the “common good” (as stated in the New Leipzig Charter).