Advances in soil scaling: theories, techniques and applications
Please accept the invitation to the 9th PEDOFRACT Conference with the general topic “Advances in soil scaling: theories, techniques and applications” be held at Barco de Ávila (Spain) on the second week of July 2019.
The keynote lectures will be given by:
John Crawford (Rothamsted Research, United Kingdom)
Patricia Garnier (INRA-AgroParisTech, Université Paris-Saclay, France)
Kirill Gerke (Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russian Federation)
Alexandra Kravchenko (Dept. of Plant, Soil, and Microbial Sciences, Michigan State University, USA)
Hans-Jörg Vogel (Department Soil System Science, Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research – UFZ, Germany)
Dependent on the workshop program, workshop contributions will be offered as the materials for special issue(s) or section(s) to appropriate journals, e.g. Vadose Zone Journal (SSSA), Geoderma (Elsevier), or Fractals (World Scientific). Journal preferences will be decided upon at the workshop closing session.
The previous special issues were
We will be happy to welcome you in El Barco de Avila and provide an excellent environment for the exchange of ideas and initiation of collaborations within and across research fields. El Barco de Ávila is a relatively small village in center Spain, 200 km west Madrid, at the skirts of Sierra de Gredos in its northwestern end. This locations for PEDOFRACTs have been tried in the past, and has proven to be excellent for good interactions and reflections. A PEDOFRACT typically goes for three full days, a half day excursion to visit the spectacular surroundings will be organized. Buses for the roundtrip El Barco de Ávila – Madrid will be provided.
More information will be made available shortly. Please let us know if you will be interested in the participation in the workshop.
On behalf of the organizers,
Miguel Ángel Martín (,
Yakov Pachepsky (
Fernando San José Martínez (