On March 14 and 15, ETSIDI hosted the final conference of this project coordinated by the UPM, attended by members of the EELISA, ENHANCE, and EUt+ alliances and other collaborators with the goal of sharing the results of a year’s work in creating a framework that allows for the development of joint European degrees in the field of engineering.
JEDI final event: towards a joint European Degree Label in engineering
On March 14th and 15th, the closing event of the JEDI project, one of the pilot projects funded under the Erasmus+ Program, ERASMUS-EDU-2022-POL-EXP call for policy experimentation in higher education, will take place.
Final submission of the WP2 deliverables to the European Commission
At the beginning of November, JEDI delivered to the European Commission the two deliverables that make up WP2, focused on the analysis of the current situation of joint degrees.
JEDI, present at the Policy Experimentation on the Joint European Degree Label organized by the European Commission
The six pilot projects selected under the call ERASMUS-EDU-2022-POL-EXP had the pleasure of participating in the meeting organized by the European Commission in Brussels on October 24, 2023.
JEDI launches its stakeholder consultation on the JEDI Label
With the purpose of gathering opinions and recommendations for the proper development of the JEDI label, the project is launching three surveys to summarize all the objectives and strategies to be followed for the accurate creation and implementation of the label.
JEDI, present at the II Forum of European University Alliances held in Barcelona
Alberto Garrido, Vice-Rector for Quality and Efficiency at the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid and coordinator of the European University EELISA, one of the three European Universities Alliances partnering with JEDI, presented the current status of this pilot project for the development of joint European engineering degrees.