At the beginning of November, JEDI delivered to the European Commission the two deliverables that make up WP2, focused on the analysis of the current situation of joint degrees. After more than four months of work, the consortium has provided conclusions through the analysis of accreditation processes and existing joint degrees in Europe.
With over 50 pages of development, deliverable D2.1 analyzes the importance of implementing a label for European joint programs from the perspective of engineering, technology, and science-oriented education. In this deliverable, we approach European accreditation processes in general, focusing on processes in engineering, technology, and applied science degrees to lay the foundation for the following project deliverables.
On the other hand, deliverable D2.2 focuses on analyzing the situation of accredited joint programmes in the STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) field as of July 2023 by the partners of JEDI to identify interest in proposing a specific label for these areas of knowledge/education. The analysis presented in this document is supported by a methodology and a descriptive analysis of the studied programmes. The future of joint engineering degrees and the interest in designing a specific label are evaluated as well as some insights into the future steps to be taken within the framework of the JEDI project.
Both deliverables are for public dissemination and JEDI partners are pleased to share the conclusions for project reading.
For more information about the deliverables: