On September 14th and 15th, the II Forum of European University Alliances took place in Barcelona, an event organized by the Ministry of Universities as part of Spain’s Presidency of the Council of the European Union. During the forum, discussions focused on the legal framework for European university alliances and the development of joint European higher education degrees (European Degree Label).
In one of the program sessions dedicated to this topic, Alberto Garrido, as a representative and coordinator of EELISA, presented the status of JEDI (Joint European Degree Label in engineering), a pilot project of the European University Alliances EELISA, ENHANCE, and EUt+, which has been in progress since spring 2023. This project aims to develop a common quality label (European Label) that allows students to earn a European degree by combining engineering studies at different universities. The goal is to offer jointly delivered curriculum across various campuses, where each campus can create its own programs, thus enhancing student and faculty mobility at all levels of study. Additionally, the project aims to foster long-term structural, sustainable, and systemic cooperation in education, research, and innovation among multiple countries.
The objective of the session was to identify the added value of these joint degrees and their recognition through the European Label. Discussions revolved around eliminating current obstacles in different contexts, ensuring the recognition of joint degree programs that meet common criteria, designing procedures for issuing the corresponding certificate, and ensuring that the label is perceived as an added value for students, employers, and higher education institutions.
Degrees that enable the practice of regulated professions introduce an additional level of complexity in the design, accreditation, and application of European labels. Nevertheless, the proposed criteria, as they stand, are applicable but may be insufficient for such degrees. JEDI, precisely, aims to offer solutions to overcome these challenges.
Joint degrees are an initiative supported by the European Commission to facilitate the joint awarding of diplomas, degrees, and certificates throughout the European Higher Education Area, promote universal criteria for relevant joint educational programs, and overcome existing barriers to transnational cooperation.