IN4SOC Toolkit

The Toolkit of practices to implement SOC internships in Technical Universities, considers all steps of a SOC internship but pays special attention to the design and assessment of socio-civic competences.
The toolkit has been developed in the framework of the IN4SOC project as part of the intellectual output IO7 (IN4SOC toolkit to implement SOC internships in Technical Universities). It was coordinated by Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (ES), with partners from different European countries: Miskolci Egyetem, ME (HU); Technische Universität Darmstadt, TUDa (DE); Universidade Nova de Lisboa, NOVA (PT); Université de Bordeaux, UBx (FR).

The toolkit is inspired on examples of good practices documented from the SOC internship pilots during the project, in the academic years 2019-2020 and 2020-2021. This toolkit is the reference material for any university or organization wishing to be part of the IN4SOC network. It consists of a set of diverse elements in digital format (documents, videos, templates, etc.) organized in four folders, according to their function in the implementation process.

The folders correspond to four different areas:

  • Module 1 – Project
  • Module 2 – Adaptation and implementation
  • Module 3 – Infrastructure
  • Module 4 – Students’ evaluation, monitoring and follow-up

The index helps to get familiar with the toolkit and to identify the components.

Please, keep in mind that the present toolkit aims at facilitating the implementation of the SOC internship model, which can be conceived as a flexible scheme. The elements of the toolkit only provide tips and suggestions for a better guidance: institutions wishing to implement it can adapt the IN4SOC model freely according to their needs and preferences. You can access the terms of use in the item 2.5. Adaptation handbook and materials (Module 2), based on the CC BY-SA 2.0 license.

Please bear in mind that the contents of the Module 1 (“Project”) serve as complementary background materials that explain the origins and development of the IN4SOC model and the present toolkit, in the context of the IN4SOC project. Module 1 contains project reports and materials for general consultation and to better contextualize and inspire future users of the toolkit.

If you have any question do not hesitate to contact us:

Elements of the IN4SOC TOOLKIT:

0INDEXIndex of the toolkit
0_1Toolkit indexStructured list with the toolkit’s folders and elements
1PROJECTProject reports and materials for general consultation and context
1_1IN4SOC Executive summary Summary of the IN4SOC project
1_2IN4SOC LeafletLeaflet used to inform students and organizations about the project
1_3IO1. Guidelines to formulate replicable SOC internshipsReport of the Intellectual Output 1 (IN4SOC project)
1_4IO4. Guides for a successful SOC internshipReport of the Intellectual Output 4 (IN4SOC project)
2ADAPTATION AND IMPLEMENTATIONResources to incorporate the SOC internship model
2_1Checklist to identify SOC internshipsQuality checklists for university staff, students and organizations, to easily assess the quality and socio-civic approach of the SOC internships
2_2List of socio civic (SOC) competencesStructured list of personal, social, learning to learn and citizenship competences, based on the EU Council Recommendation of 22 May 2018 on key competences for lifelong learning
2_3Social Responsibility (SR) frameworks: Agenda 2030 and ISO26000 documentationInformation about the Social Responsibility frameworks that inspired the SOC internship model
2_4SOC Internships summaryText to be incorporated as an addendum for internship offers, if needed.
2_5Adaptation handbook and materialsCorporate design, attribution and licensing indications
2_6Best practices for SOC internshipsExamples of good practices documented from the SOC internships during the IN4SOC project pilots
2_7General recommendations to implement SOC internshipsGeneral recommendations to implement SOC internships
2_8SOC Label for organizationsSuggested badge that enables organizations to communicate their engagement in socio-civic and environmental issues
3INFRASTRUCTUREResources to organize, host, structure, explain and communicate the SOC model
3_1Online platform structureSuggested structure for an online tool (web platform) that connects students, supervisors, and organizations
3_2Life-cycle schemeSuggested structure of a typical SOC internship
3_3Introductory videoVideo used to explain students and organizations the functioning of a typical SOC internship
3_4Tutorial videoVideo used to explain students and organizations the functioning of the online tool
3_5Bibliography and basic reference documentsBibliography and basic reference documents on Social Responsibility and socio-civic competences
3_6Courses and videos (links)Online resources for the development of socio-civic competences and knowledge on Social Responsibility
3_7GlossaryList of key concepts
4STUDENTS’ EVALUATION, MONITORING AND FOLLOW-UPResources to monitor the performance and success of the implementation
4_1Questionnaires for studentsQuestionnaires for monitoring the development of SOC competences and knowledge on Social Responsibility (Q1, Q2, Q3)
4_2Meetings’ guidelinesSuggestions for the organization of follow-up meetings with the students
4_3Rubric for SOC internships (SOC rubric)Suggested rubric for the evaluation of SOC internships
4_4Internships follow-up sheet  Template for monitoring the SOC internships
4_5Guidelines for the oral presentation Tips for students to better perform in a public or private presentation of their results
4_6Certificate for studentsSuggested certificate that enables students to communicate their engagement in socio-civic and environmental issues
4_7Badge for studentsSuggested badge that enables students to communicate their engagement in socio-civic and environmental issues