Participate in the 20 actuaupm Competition
Do you want to undertake at university? Actuaupm Business Creation Competition:
Within the actuaupm Entrepreneurship program is the actuaupm business creation competition, aimed at UPM students, professors and researchers, in order to:
- Detect innovative and/or differentiating business ideas and contribute to the formation of entrepreneurial teams.
- Capture differentiating talent and contribute to its development
- Develop innovative business models with social and economic impact.
- Promote the transfer of knowledge and technology from the University to society.
- Promote the acquisition of transversal skills
- Contribute to the validation of business models.
- Reward the best projects in each of the phases that make up the Competition.
The competition is open to the entire UPM Community and as it is international in nature, it is also open to Erasmus students, and will have collaboration with EELISA, with EIT and with other UPM partner universities.
You have until March 21, 2023 to present your idea or ideas in the 20th call actuaupm!
For more information consult the actuaupm program blog or
You can also contact their team by email