It will take place on Wednesday, April 3, in “La Sala Azul” (ETSIDI)
The EELISA Alliance (European Engineering Learning Innovation and Science Alliance) offers a series of significant opportunities for UPM and ETSIDI. This strategic alliance brings together 10 universities from across Europe and aims to promote innovation, education, and collaboration in the field of Engineering.
For UPM and ETSIDI, participation in EELISA opens doors to a wide range of benefits. These include access to shared resources, student mobility programs, and collaborative research opportunities. It’s an excellent chance to enhance the educational and professional experience of students, PTGAS, and PDI.
We encourage you to participate in this information session to present these opportunities conducted by Alberto Garrido, Vice-Rector for Quality and Efficiency of UPM.
“Opportunities of the EELISA Alliance for UPM and ETSIDI”
Speaker: Alberto Garrido [Vice-Rector for Quality and Efficiency of UPM – EELISA UPM Coordinator]
- WHEN? Wednesday, April 3, at 3:00 p.m.
- WHERE? Sala Azul, ETSIDI
The registration link is as follows: