Design Workshop II ETSIDI UPM Lavapiés
We present a new activity within the ETSIDI Design Workshop II. This year the theme of the course is “Childhood, design and the city”. Continuing with the work begun five years ago in this subject, attention is once again directed to the Lavapiés neighborhood. On this occasion, with the intention of improving the experience of children in the public space of our neighborhood.
On Wednesday the 22nd, in classrooms A11+A12 at 5:00 p.m., we will have the opportunity to have one of the most internationally recognized researchers in relation to this topic, Francesco Tonucci, who will accompany us in this virtual meeting with the students.
Francesco Tonucci (Italy, 1940) is internationally known for his work aimed at improving children’s rights. He is a researcher at the Italian National Research Council, and for many years he was responsible for the Department of Educational Psychology. He has dedicated his life to different aspects related to education, especially children. For twenty years he has been responsible for the “Children’s City” project, with a network of more than 200 cities in Italy, Spain and Latin America. In addition, under the pseudonym Frato, since 1968 he has published cartoons that accompany his texts and appear in numerous magazines around the world.
Each title of his books says a lot about his concerns and his work: “The city of children. A new way of thinking about the city”, “At the age of three we investigate”, “When children say enough”, “The loneliness of the child”, “Frato, 40 years old with the eyes of a child”, “With the eyes of a girl” , “With grandfather’s eyes”, “A child is made, a child is born”.