About Us
The Begining
The Hacklab
Back in 2014, bq Education leader Alberto Valero and UPM professor Miguel Hernando started a group of robotics students at UPM later to be known as the “HackLab”.
Throughout 2014 and 2015 these group of people started to get closer, both professionally and personally. Inspiration was in the air and any opportunity to build stuff and learn together was instantly taken.
Lots of interesting people passed through the HackLab’s laboratory at ETSIDI to give talks and crash courses on fields such as genetic algorithims, SLAM, the free FPGA ‘Alhambra’, protocoder (similar to AppInventor), python, etc.
Eventually the very students started giving crash courses on the fields they got more interested in, even out of the engineering area. They also came up with challenges such as robot fights, hosted hackatons and invented stuff together.

The first Hidalgo Team
In September 2015, professor Hernando proposed his students a challenging project, one that might take hours out of their studying schedule and that would not be easy to do: Building the lightest and as low cost humanoid as posible.
Without a doubt we agreed and we splitted up into different Teams, according to the main parts a humanoid robot has:

Head Team
Initially formed by: (from left to rigth) Andrés Boráita, Mercedes Alonso, Marta Simal, Joaquín Fernández and Ignacio Rodriguez.
In charge of developing a head with 2 eyes and neck with 3DOF

Hippies Team
Initially formed by: (from left to rigth) prof. Miguel Hernando, Macarena Gonzalez, Luis Porras, Fabián Burillo and Pablo Lozano.
In charge of developing the hip and the upper part of the leg.

Armies Team
Initially formed by: (from left to rigth) Javier Rojo, Javier García, Álvaro Aznar, Javier Monteagudo and the Hand developer, Carlos Morillo.
In charge of developing the full arm and shoulder.
Carlos Morillo had already developed his hand as his final degree project.

Footies Team
Initially formed by: (from left to rigth) Enrique Heredia, Luis de Benito, Nuria Jaén and Arancha. Jessy García was also part of the team.
They were in charge of developing the lower part of the leg and the foot.