Espoo, Finlandia
SB10 Finland Conference: Sustainable Community – buildingSMART
ANTUÑA ROZADO, C.; GARCÍA NAVARRO, J. "A methodology for the development of a sustainability index for construction works in Spain."
Abstract: The present paper tries to describe in a systematic way the process followed to develop a methodology to obtain a Sustainable Index for Construction Works in Spain. Given the complexity of the task at hand, and having into account that this is the first attempt within the Spanish construction sector to create an integrating index, the description of the process becomes indispensable in order to replicate the index in a different context –e.g. another European country-. On the other hand, the development of an index with a triple focus -economic, environmental and social-, transcending the interests of the different activities which coexist inside this sector, and joining efforts towards a common objective fills an existing gap in the Spanish construction sector, as it will be shown. The proposed index aims at establishing, on a permanent basis, a common reference for the assessment of sustainability within this sector, to the improvement of which all parties involved could and should contribute.
Ver más: A methodology for the development of a sustainability index for construcion works in Spain