- Graterol. E.P., Gutiérrez-Ch, J.G., Mediero, L., Senent, S. (2024). “Numerical modelling of pore water pressure response beneath a raft foundation during real river floods“. Journal of Hydrology, 638: 131557.
- Zheng, C., Franza, A., Jimenez, R. (2023). “Analysis of floating and end-bearing pile foundations affected by deep-excavations”. Computer and Geotechnics, 153: 105075.
- Romero, M., Gutiérrez-Ch, J.G., Jégat, H. (2023). “Efecto del cambio climático sobre la recarga natural de un acuífero: Un caso de estudio en el estado Portuguesa-Venezuela“. Ciencia e Ingeniería, 44(2): 101-112.
- Gutiérrez-Ch, J.G., Senent, S., Graterol. E.P., Jimenez, R. (2023). “Rock shear creep modelling: DEM – Rate process theory approach“. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 161: 105295.
- Gutiérrez-Ch, J.G., Song, G., Heron, C., Marschall, A., Jimenez, R. (2022). Closure to “Centrifuge Tests on Rock-Socketed Piles: Effect of Socket Roughness on Shaft Resistance” by J.G. Gutierrez-Ch, G. Song, C. M. Heron, A. Marshall, and R. Jimenez”. Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, 148(7): 07022011.
- Gutiérrez-Ch, J.G., Senent, S., Zeng P., Jimenez, R. (2021). “DEM Simulation of rock creep in tunnels using Rate Process Theory”. Computer and Geotechnics, 142: 104559.
- García-Luna, R, Senent, S., Jimenez, R. (2021). “Using Telephoto Lens to Characterize Rock Surface Roughness in SfM Models”. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 54: 2369–2382.
- Gutiérrez-Ch, J.G., Song, G., Heron, C., Marschall, A., Jimenez, R., (2021). “Centrifuge tests on rock-socketed piles: effect of socket roughness on shaft resistance”. Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, 147(11): 04021125.
- Gutiérrez-Ch, J.G., Senent, S., Estebanez, E., Jimenez, R. (2021). “Discrete Element Modelling of rock creep behaviour using Rate Process Theory”. Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 58(8): 1231–1246.
- Gutiérrez-Ch, J.G., Senent, S., Melentijevic, S., Jimenez, R. (2021). “A DEM-Based factor to design rock-socketed piles considering socket roughness”. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 54: 3409–3421.
- Roces-Alonso, E., González, J., Estaire, J. (2021). “Experimental study on grain failure of lightweight expanded clay aggregate under uniaxial and biaxial load conditions“. Powder Technology, 383: 542-553.
- Gordo-Monsó, C., González, J., Olalla, C. (2021). “Enhanced simplified method for the analysis of seismic internal forces in rectangular deep underground structures“.
Journal of Geotechnical and Geonvironmental Engineering, 147(9). - Roces-Alonso, E., Muñiz, M., González, J., Estaire, J. (2021) Lightweight Expanded Clay Aggregate properties based on laboratory testing. Journal Construction and Building Materials, 313: 125486.
- Gutiérrez-Ch, J.G., Melentijevic, S., Senent, S., Jimenez, R. (2020). “Distinct Element Method simulations of rock-socketed piles: estimation of side shear resistance considering socket roughness”. Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, 146(12): 04020133.
- Senent, S., Yi, G., Jimenez, R. (2020). “An upper bound solution for tunnel face stability analysis considering the free span”. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 103: 103515.
- Li, N., Jiménez R. (2018). “A logistic regression classifier for long-term probabilistic prediction of rock burst hazard”, Natural Hazards, 90: 197-215.
- Gutiérrez-Ch, J.G., Senent S., Melentijevic, S., Jiménez R. (2018). “Distinct element method simulations of rock-concrete interfaces under different boundary conditions”, Engineering Geology, 240: 123-139.
- Gutiérrez-Ch, J.G., Melentijevic, S., Senent, S., Jimenez, R. (2020). “Effect of socket roughness on side shear resistance of rock-socketed piles”. Boletín de la Sociedad Española de Mecánica del Suelo e Ingeniería Geotecnica, 203.
- Gutiérrez-Ch, J.G., Melentijevic, S. (2018). “Numerical analysis of the effect of shaft roughness on end bearing and side shear resistance in drilled shafts in rock”. Boletín de la Sociedad Española de Mecánica del Suelo e Ingeniería Geotecnica, 194.
- Li, N., Feng, X., Jiménez R. (2017). “Predicting rock burst hazard with incomplete data using Bayesian networks”, Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 61: 61-70.
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