Recent preprints:
- Balanced infinitesimal bialgebras, double Poisson gebras and pre-Calabi-Yau algebras (arXiv),
December, 2023. - What is the Magnus Expansion? (arXiv),
with K. Ebrahimi-Fard and I. Mencattini.
December, 2023.
- Classical shadows of stated skein representations at roots of unity (arXiv),
with J. Korinman,
To appear in Algebraic & Geometric Topology (2023). - The quantum trace as a quantum non-abelianization map (Journal, arXiv),
with J. Korinman,
Journal of Knot Theory and Its Ramifications (2022). - Crossed morphisms, integration of post-Lie algebras and the post-Lie Magnus expansion (Journal, arXiv),
with I. Mencattini,
Communications in Algebra (2021). - Post-symmetric braces and integration of post-Lie algebras (Journal, arXiv),
with I. Mencattini and P. Silva,
Journal of Algebra 556 (2020), pages 547-580. - On the deformation complex of homotopy affine actions (Journal, arXiv),
with E. Hoefel and M. Livernet.
Advances in Mathematics 358 (2019) 106857. - The relative lattice path operad (Journal),
Algebraic & Geometric Topology 18 (2018) 1753-1798. - Homotopy BV-algebra structure on the double cobar construction (Journal, arXiv),
Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra 220 (2016), pp. 1963-1989.