Hard Material Small-Batch Industrial Machining Robot (FP7)
The project Hephestos, with its focus on developing sophisticated methods in robotic manufacturing, shall give rise to a cost-efficient solution in hard materials machining for this small-batch production of highly customized products through the application of industrial robots.

Hephestos will develop a paradigm that shall provide standard industrial robots with break-through techniques in production planning, programming and real-time control system. Based on established computer-aided-manufacturing frameworks, Hephestos will optimize production planning through the automatic generation of robotic program, taking into account specific robot signature i.e. robot system kinematic and dynamic characteristics, as well as models of processes (milling, grinding, polishing etc.), that are essential for the robotic application in hard material machining.
Our main role in the project is in developing new GUI and programming environments. We are developing a new Android interface and we are testing the use of augmented reality glasses.
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