We already have date for the actúaloop Awards Ceremony of the First edition of the Competition for Innovation in Research Social Networks actúaloop. Will will celebrate it on June 23rd, at 18.30 in the afternoon. And the place of the event is the Sala C of the ETSII UPM (see map)
Journal Advisor: orientation visualization system for would-be authors about the most appropriate venues for publication of a paper; serving to editors and reviewers as well in their decision about submitted papers.
Formalization of experimental protocols: SMART Protocols allows researchers to accurately generate and retrieve information from experimental protocols. It makes possible for publishers to expose ready-to-use data/content over the web as well as to deliver a content-based recommendation service for researchers.
IDeM (Innovation, Dissemination et Multimedia): it proposes to introduce in Loop a new layer that enables online paper enrichment using advanced multimedia resources, as well as real-time communication and discussion facilities between authors and readers.
ARES: This idea proposes sharing between researchers not only different papers and publications but also the equipment that they have used to research.
Loop App: This idea attempts to include all Loop services in a mobile application. With the app, users can quickly consult articles, manage contacts and so on.
Frontiers Translate: This is a Community idea focused on Translation that proposes to create a reward system based on points, which will allow everyone on the platform to have the same opportunity to grow in it.