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[February, 11th] Best Ideas of the First Edition of the Competition actúaloop

Award Ceremony for the Best Ideas of the First Edition of the Competition for Innovation in Research Social Networks actúaloop

Next Thursday, February 11th, we will celebrate the award ceremony of the First edition of the Competition for Innovation in Research Social Networks actúaloop.

During the ceremony, the three best ideas will receive a prize of 1.000 € each. We will also deliver other five non-cash awards to the finalists of the Competition. 

All of this ideas will move into the second phase where they will be developed and they will receive mentoring of academic tutors. 

actúaloop competition is an initiative launched by Frontiers, an international company dedicated to the publication of scientific articles “open-access” with allies such as Nature Publishing Group, in collaboration with the Center of Support for Technological Innovation (CAIT) of the Technical University of Madrid (UPM).

Agenda of the Award Ceremony

  •      12.00     Interviews with finalists of the Competition 

  •    12.30     Welcome and presentation of results.   D. Gonzalo León Serrano, Director at the Center of Support for Technological Innovation (CAIT) UPM

  •      12.40     Presentation of Frontiers.   D. Jon Murua González, Senior Technical Product Manager de Frontiers

  •   12:50    Awards for the best three ideas and finalists of the First Edition of the Ideas Competition for Innovation in Research Social Networks, actúaloop

  •    13:10     Closure and Family Picture of the Winners  

  •    13:20    Networking and visit to the offices of Frontiers

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