Knowing the splitting capacity of beams loaded perpendicular to the grain by dowel-type connections is of primordial importance in timber structures. The analytical equation in this regard included in the European Eurocode 5 only depends on geometrical parameters. In addition, the expression is only valid for softwoods so its applicability to hardwoods requires a particular research. In the present work, experimental test series with single and double dowel connections following different loaded edged distances layouts are conducted to derive the splitting failure behaviour of Eucalyptus globulus L. There is currently an increasing interest in the use of this competitive structural hardwood because of its high mechanical performance and good natural durability. The applicability to eucalyptus of the code splitting equation for softwoods along with the suggested dowel-to-edge distances are argued. Also the applicability of the analytical model origin of the code formula considering the fracture properties of eucalyptus is analysed. The code splitting equation for softwoods results to be very conservative in predicting the splitting failure load for eucalyptus. However, the general analytical model on which this equation is based overpredicts the splitting capacity of the connection when the fracture parameters of the material are considered.