Let’s start! From The Circular and Regenerative Campus we open this new space where we will show you news related to the activities developed by the members of the community, as well as any other relevant information.
The Circular and Regenerative Campus (CRC), is part of the university alliance EELISA, which brings together nine prestigious engineering schools and universities across Europe. EELISA seeks a more democratic access to engineering education, while transforming education and joining efforts to link engineering with society. To this end, it has reinvented the “European engineer” to be able to promote the transfer of knowledge and technology through interdisciplinary learning.
The Circular and Regenerative Campus embraces all these ideals and for this reason decided to take the leap and embark on this adventure. To do so, it became part of one of the “EELISA Communities”, which are open work spaces in which students, research staff (PDI), technical, management and administration and services staff (PTGAS), as well as any other member of the university world collaborate. Each Community focuses on a specific topic and develops its activities around it; CRC has specialized in circularity, waste management and reuse of materials from the School of Industrial Engineering (ETSII) of the Polytechnic University of Madrid (UPM). Developing activities in the School and collaborating with other schools of the same institution, it also has a “living lab” in which any university member is welcome to participate.
For more information you can visit our Linkedin profile or our Instagram account. We are waiting for you 😉
#WeareUPM #WeareEELISA #RegenerativesCRC
En qué temas específicos se enfoca el CRC? Visit us Biomedis
Hola! Desde CRC se pone un especial interés en la sostenibilidad del campus, su principal actividad se basa en la recolección, separación, tratamiento y elaboración de piezas u otros elementos que pueda precisar la comunidad universitaria, para poder llevar a cabo todas estas actividades, se recogen materias plásticos y metálicos que aportan las propias personas de la universidad o bien de instituciones cercanas con las que se colabora, de esta manera se ayuda a reducir la cantidad de desechos generados y se contribuye a la economía circular.