El internet de las cosas implica que muchas de nuestras tecnologías son susceptibles de volverse contra nosotros como un arma dirigida por alguien que no necesita grandes conocimientos para provocar el colapso Leer la noticia en El País (19-09-2024)
Tesla factory worker attacked by robot that dug its claws into back and arm: report
The engineer was programming software that controls robots whose job it is to cut car parts from freshly cast pieces of aluminum. While two of the robots were disabled so that the engineer and his crew could work on the machines, a third was inadvertently left on — resulting in the attack two years ago, witnesses told the Information….
How long until a robot is doing your chores?
Imagine the biggest market for a physical product you can. Are you thinking of mobile phones? Cars? Property? They are all chunky markets but in the coming decades a new product will be rolled out that will dwarf those giants, says Geordie Rose, the chief executive of Sanctuary AI. Publicado en BBC News Leer artículo…