El proyecto ROBOGait estuvo representado en el Congreso de la Sociedad Ibérica de Biomecánica y Biomateriales a través de las ponencias de David Álvarez y de Javier Rueda. También asistieron Enrique Navarro, Gonzalo Garrido y Yecheng Zhang. En la mesa de Biomedicina del viernes 3 de noviembre de 2023, se habló de “NUEVAS TECNOLOGÍAS EN […]

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We were presenting the ROBOgait project at the International Conference of Intelligent Robots and Systems 2022 in Kyoto, Japan, with the following paper: “ANN-Based Optimization of Human Gait Data Obtained From a Robot-Mounted 3D Camera: A Multiple Sclerosis Case Study”. Link. Also enjoying a little bit of Japan 🙂

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We want to thank Diego Guffanti for his extraordinary work in ROBOGait. He’s leaving Madrid and going back to his home country. We’ll miss you! Diego we’ll keep collaborating with the ROBOGait project from his new university.

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In September, the following students presented their final degree projects: Mateo Agustoni (TFG) Marco Iglesias (TFG) Alejandro Rosete (TFM) All with excelent marks!! Congratulations!

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