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The NAUTIA methodology identifies conditions in Refugee Camps and their host communities, while also detecting priority needs in order to improve quality of life. The methodology is applied in camps that are no longer in the emergency phase and are currently facing challenges inherent in permanent settlements. This approach aims to strengthen the humanitarian-development nexus.


The methodological design is in line with the current international political context, as the humanitarian strategy is centered on enabling the integration and inclusion of refugee populations in their host communities. This is reflected in international agreements, such as the New York Declaration (2016), the Global Compact on Refugees (2018) and the Comprehensive Refugee Response Framework (CRRF).


NAUTIA was developed through a “collaborative platform”, whose authors participated by cooperating across different areas of expertise, such as: access to basic infrastructure for water, sanitation, energy, transport and waste management (linked to spatial planning and urban planning), as well as access to housing and food security; tackling sensitive issues through an anthropological lens. 


In order to promote initiatives that improve living conditions for both groups, this methodology defines critical situations as those in which the level of disparity in quality of life between the two communities may lead to social problems and integration challenges. In this regard, it deals with the interrelated nature of the challenges to be addressed and employs a comprehensive technological approach, thus reinforcing the resilience of settlements and ensuring their sustainability. Ultimately, this methodology aims to contribute to the 2030 Agenda and its goal of “leaving no one behind”.

Centro de bienestar de Shimelba
Center for Wellbeing in Shimelba
Escuela Primaria de la población refugiada en Shimelba
Primary School for Refugees
Biblioteca pública de Shimelba
Library in Shimelba