Los investigadores
Investigadores principales:
Mathieu Legrand, Doctor en Ingeniería Mecánica y Organización Industrial, Profesor Titular ETS Ingeniería y Diseño Industrial – ETSIDI – UPM
Mathieu Legrand is Engineer in Energy and Environment (2003), and PhD in Mechanical Engineering & Industrial Organization (2008)
General indicators: 29 articles in Scopus indexed journals, 573 citations, h-index=12. Two main lines of research: energy storage (9 papers, 240 citations), PIV applied to combustion chambers (14 papers, 210 citations).
CV Summary: Currently, he is senior lecturer (since 2017) at the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid in the Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería y Diseño Industrial, where he teaches Thermal Engineering, Fluid Mechanics, Hydraulic Machines, Internal Combustion Engines, Turbomachinery and other related subjects in undergraduated programs and several subjects on Energy Efficiency and Energy Storage in Master Degrees. His teaching task provides him a solid theoretical background for his research.
He is currently working on solar energy and energy storage. After two collaborations/contracts with companies (40.000 ), he has initiated a new research line in thermal and electrical energy storage. Despite being a recent line, he has obtained remarkable results: 3 articles on “Liquid air energy storage“, a patent on thermochemical storage with absorption and some 240 citations in various related publications, demonstrating a solid basis in this field.
He began his career in the characterization of flows of thermal interest, focusing on non-intrusive laser velocimetry techniques. He has contributed significantly to the development of the digital PIV technique, characterization and error correction. He has participated in 3 national competitive projects and 1 European project in this field, participating in the international measurement campaign of the Trent 900 engine (CoJeN).
He has also developed an ultra-low NOx burner for gas turbine applications. He developed an algorithm for the identification of coherent structures responsible for combustion instabilities in this type of burner. He has been PI of a regional competitive project and responsible for several experimental tasks in 2 national competitive projects (TERMOPIV 1 and 2), not being able to be co-IP due to tenure issues.
This activity has aroused the interest of other researchers, resulting in two international collaborations and 2 month stays at JAXA Tokyo (Japan) and the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (USA).
In parallel, he has worked on the study of two-phase flows, participating in another European project (HOT), leading the experimental characterization of jets with water droplets and their phase change in air-conditioning machines in the cabins of large passenger aircraft.
Carmen Martínez Arévalo, Doctora en Ciencias Físicas, Profesor Titular – ETSIDI – UPM
Carmen Martínez Arévalo is Doctor in Physics Science (Universidad de Granada) since 2005. Her new research line is a consequence of the development of her professional career together researchers involved in energy storage. All of her previous experience, both in research techniques and in project management, is used in her research activities.
General indicators: 10 articles in Web of Science (Q1 and Q2), 234 citations, h-index=9. Two main lines of research: recently, energy storage (1 paper, 23 citations) and seismology (8 articles, 183 citations; one of them was declared AGU Journal Highlight, and other one was published in a Journal that is the first in its field).
CV Summary: Currently, she is senior lecturer at the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid at the Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería y Diseño Industrial (Higher Technical School of Engineering and Industrial Design). She teaches Fluid Mechanics, Hydraulic Machines, Computational Fluid Mechanics. Her teaching task provides a theoretical background for her research and the possibility to explore new topics in the Final Project Degree.
Her research career began at Instituto Andaluz de Geofísica of the Universidad de Granada determining the attenuation structure of the shallowest layers of the earths crust in active volcanoes and providing 1-D models for Deception Island volcano and 3-D models for Mt. Etna volcanoes. In this period, she combined straight methods and inversion techniques to estimate the seismic attenuation.
After, she completed two postdoctoral periods, one in Italy and the other one in the Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales (CSIC). During this postdoctoral period, she focused her research on deep structure of the Earths interior beneath volcanic regions using inversion of receiver functions. This technique helps to locate structure of hot materials, with a great interest in volcanic regions.
She has participated in 14 National projects and in 2 European projects. Apart from her postdoctoral contract, she has been abroad for more than 12 moths at relevant research centers or universities. She was PI in one of these national projects and her experience in management has been reinforced during her time as Academic Secretary (2017-2021).
El equipo investigador:
- Luis Miguel Rodríguez Antón, Catedrático Escuela Universitaria – ETSIDI – UPM
- Yolanda Doce Carrasco, Prof. Titular – ETSIDI – UPM
- María Isabel García de Andrés, Prof. Contratado Doctor – ETSIDI – UPM
- María del Carmen Rodríguez Hidalgo, Prof, Titular ETS Ingenieros Navales – ETSIN – UPM
- Juan Mario García de María, Catedrático – ETSIDI – UPM
El equipo de trabajo:
Adicionalmente, participan activamente otros actores en el desarrollo del proyecto, especialmente dos estudiantes becados:
- Emma Fajardo Jimeno
- Alberto Bautista Pacheco
Pero también personal de la ETSIDI, Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería y Diseño Industrial:
- Personal técnico de laboratorio especializado
- Personal de mantenimiento y servicios
- Personal administrativo