“Taste and knowledge from salt. Introduction to salt sensory profile analysis”
ANDASAL Asociación Andaluza de Artesanos de la Sal
Emiliano Mellado Álvarez
Description: Analysis of the concept of common salt and objective properties that define its commercial quality as product and salina as productive space. Tasting of different salt types, including taste as quality criteria and artisan production as process and opportunity for differentiation. Elaboration of different spicy and aromatic salt mixtures by participants. Analysis of different ressource models in which traditional knowledge is combined with new values related with bio, geo and cliodiversity of salt.
16:00-17:00 Common salt and traditional salinas.
Concepts and regulations of alimentary and industrial quality standards. Commercial quality of the product.
17:00-18:00 Strategies for salt differentiation. “Sal de lo Común!” (Go out from standard!)
New tastes, new values. Bio, Geo, and Cliodiversity of salt. Models for Integral Management of Salt Explotations.
18:00-19:00 Models to create value on salinas and salt landscape.
Study case analysis. Salt Industries: Hortales (Cádiz), Duernas (Córdoba) and Valcargado (Sevilla)
19:00-19:30 Workshop review and conclusions
All the information about this workshop can be downloaded in this link.
“The salt of life, life in salt. Salt production in landscapes of high ecological value”
IPAISAL Instituto del Patrimonio y los Paisajes de la sal
Katia Hueso Kortekaas
Description: The workshop will start with an introduction about salt ecosystems and the importance of biodiversity in the salt production. Then, it will be explained how life in salinas is essential for salt and landscapes.
16:00-16:30 Introduction: Salt production in landscapes of high ecological value
16:30-17:30 Workshop: Painting a salina
17:30-17:45 Break
17:45-19:30 Workshop: The salina trophic network
Complete documentation of the Seminar can be downloaded in this link.

Seminario organizado gracias a las Ayudas del Programa Propio de I+D+i de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid